Book 192

Book 231

The Durango Double-Cross

by Tabor Evans

Published 1 February 2000

Book 232

The Whiskey Creek Widow

by Tabor Evans

Published 1 March 2000

Book 233

The Branded Beauty

by Tabor Evans

Published 1 April 2000

Book 234

The Renegade Assassins

by Tabor Evans

Published 1 May 2000

Book 235

Young and fetching Zenobia Lowell was hired to teach the army kids at Fort Douglas their reading, writing and 'rithmetic. Instead she rounded up a gang of students and soldiers for a few "extracurricular" activities -- which included burning down the schoolhouse and robbing the fort's safe. And now that she's disappeared into Mormon country with her band of devotees, there's no telling who she'll corrupt next...

Book 236

Longarm and the River Pirates

by Tabor Evans

Published 1 August 1998
When it comes to fixing a problem, Longarm knows it's all about using the right tool...

Book 237

Longarm and the Hatchet Woman

by Tabor Evans

Published 1 September 1998
Longarm has his hands full when he is forced to play bodyguard to the most zealous teetotaler in the West, Big Hatchet Belcher, who comes to Denver to chop open its beer barrels in the name of God and temperance.

Book 238

Book 239

A gang of grave robbers on the Mesa Verde are making a bundle on stolen Indian artifacts -- but it's Longarm who's going to make them pay...

Book 240

Longarm and the Nevada Nymphs

by Tabor Evans

Published 1 December 1998
Longarm corners the notorious Hunsacker gang in a godforsaken ghost town -- and it ain't no party, least of all a wedding party. Until a couple brides-to-be come riding out of nowhere, ready to get hitched with the Hunsacker boys. Longarm smells a trap. And if these blushing brides are just pulling his leg, he's going to be pulling the trigger...

Book 241

Book 242

Longarm and the Red-Light Ladies

by Tabor Evans

Published 1 February 1999
Mallory's gang is heisting silver shipments -- and killing anyone in its way. When the gang kills Longarm's latest lady friend, and he vows revenge. But severe bullet wounds keep him in hiding -- under the loving care of four ladies of the evening -- while Mallory's gang holds the town hostage. Now Longarm has to free the town, recover the silver, and keep these ladies happy. But Custis Long is up to the challenge...

Book 243

Marshall Norman Wold of Kansas is in jail. But Wold is one of the finest lawmen Longarm has ever known. That means just one thing: Longarm has to go in there and straighten things out...

Book 244

Longarm couldn't be happier that Devil Dave Devereux is finally on trial for murder, until gun shots ring out in the courtroom -- and Devil Dave is nowhere to be found when the smoke clear...

Book 245

Voodoo and murder are the way a dirty bail-bond outfit does its business -- until Longarm shows up to straighten out their books...

Book 246

When a man tries to shoot him in the back for no apparent reason, Longarm must find out why. What he finds is a dirty bail-bond outfit in Texas with an unhealthy interest in Voodoo that's brougt in many a bail-jumper more dead than alive.

Book 247

Book 248

Longarm and the Wronged Woman

by Tabor Evans

Published 1 August 1999
Longarm's longtime friend and local sheriff Wade seems a mite bit ornery, and Longarm assumes it's because he's worrying about his job too much. That is, until Wade is shot dead in an ambush. Now Longarm's out to find the killer at any cost.

Book 249

Longarm and the Sheep War

by Tabor Evans

Published 1 September 1999
Longarm tries his band at herding and finds himself knee-deep in fertilizer. With a rash of marauders and a feisty herder's daughter to deal with, pretty soon it's bad news for more than sheep...