Geronimo Stilton #11

by Geronimo Stilton

Published 1 October 2011
What's Geronimo to do in order to prevent the Pirate Cats from turning the almost-complete Eiffel Tower into a gigantic monument to Catardone's already monumental ego? No matter what the answer, this is a mission that will require the scientific expertise of Ampy Von Volt, as Geronimo takes to the skies in this new high-flying adventure set in late 19th-century Paris.

Geronimo Stilton Books 1-3

by Geronimo Stilton

Published 12 October 2004
Originally released in Italy, the Geronimo Stilton books have been translated into 35 languages, and the rights have been sold in over 175 countries. In less than three years, the books have become the most popular children's books in Italy, with over 1.6 million copies in print.

Book #1 - Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye
It all started when my sister, Thea, discovered an old, mysterious map . . .

Book #2 - The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid
It was a dream come true--I was off to Egypt to interview a famous archaeologist! A crabby old camel took me across the desert to the Cheese Pyramid . . .

Book #3 - Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House
Lost in a dark, spooky forest, I quickly discovered that it was haunted--by cats! And in this case, curiosity almost killed the mouse . . .

Who is Geronimo Stilton?
That’s me! I run a newspaper, but my true passion is writing adventure stories. Here in New Mouse City, the capital of Mouse Island, my books are all bestsellers! My stories are funny, fa-mouse-ly funny. They are whisker-licking-good tales, and that’s a promise!

Red Pizzas for A Blue Count
My troublemaker cousin was trapped in Transratania! And before I could even squeak, my sister, Thea, dragged me along on her rescue mission. Little did we know that Transratania is the land of vampire bats! Holey cheese, bats give me goose bumps!
Attack of the Bandit Cats
Captured by cats! It’s every rodent’s worst nightmare. It al started when my cousin Trap convinced me to join him on a quest for a legendary island covered in silver. But before you could say “hot cheese on toast,” we were attacked by a ship of pirate cats!
A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo
Sometimes a busy businessmouse like me needs a nice, relaxing vacation. But everytime I tried to get away, disaster struck! By the time I finally tore myself away from The Rodent’s Gazette, all the good trips were booked up. I found myself stuck in a flea-ridden old hotel, sharing a room with a bunch of Gerbil Scouts!