8 total works
De ello resulta una obra de teatro de sorprendentes recursos dramáticos, que se ha convertido en una de las más representadas en los escenarios españoles de todos los tiempos.
La presente edición está a cargo de Ismael López Martín, profesor en el departamento de didáctica de las lenguas y de las ciencias humanas y sociales de la Universidad de Zaragoza y especialista en teatro español.
Su estudio introductorio y el aparato de notas que ha diseñado constituyen una aportación fundamental que nos acerca aún más al mito de Don Juan.
English DescriptionWhen Jos Zorrilla completed Don Juan Tenorio in 1844 little did he know that he had just written what would become the most popular Spanish play of all time. While the opening performance was a modest one, Zorrilla's interpretation of the legendary Don Juan myth was so well-liked by the public that, in a very short time, its success was overwhelming. Shortly after, Don Juan Tenorio became not only the most popular play in Spain, but in the entire Spanish-speaking world, and to this day it is considered the chief representative of Spanish Romantic theater.