Book 37

Tomas Taviera

by Tomas Taveira

Published 1 May 1994

Book 37

Tomas Taveira is Portugal's leading architect and one of the foremost exponents of Post-Modernism today. With an introductory essay by Geoffrey Broadbent and a theoretical paper by the architect himself, this volume illustrates all his major works. Carefully designed to convey the warmth and sensuality of forms and colours which reflect the historical spirit of Lisbon and the Mediterranean setting, the book also gives space to many evocative sketches, working drawings and detailed plans. The popularity and scale of buildings such as the "Torres das Amoreiras" is portrayed in numerous, stunning, colour images, whilst drawings and project descriptions reveal the importance of influences and ideas. From his earliest projects designed as a student, through buildings which are amongst some of Lisbon's favourite landmarks, to Taveira's most recent projcts, the book reveals his clear commitment to post-modernism. As Taveira says, "Post-Modernism emerges as a philosophical necessity, as non-unified, non-unitary aethetics, which explains the appearance of entirely new architecture essentially opposed to modernist aesthetics."
The book concludes with a selection of design projects for chairs and furniture, and "transfigurations", traditional objects transformed into colourful and exotic forms. "Ornamentation, polychromy, metaphor, humour, symbolism and various other conventions" are well illustrated throughout, making it clear why Tomas Taveira is one of Europe's most successful builders of Post-Modernism today.