v. 1

Islamic Art

by Ernst J. Grube and Eleanor Sims

Published 1 June 1981
This is the first issue of "Islamic Art", published jointly by the East-West Foundation, NY, USA, and the Bruschettini Foundation for Islamic and Asian Art, Genoa, Italy. "Islamic Art" is a scholarly journal focused on the material culture of the Muslim world. Founded by Ernst J. Grube in 1980, it was modelled on the distinguished (but long-defunct) journal "Ars Islamica". In the ensuing decades, the perception of what may truly be called 'the Muslim world' and its visual arts has expanded dramatically, so that the geographical scope of contributions to a journal devoted to the visual arts of Islam has also expanded dramatically, a world that now spreads eastward from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, and northward from Africa to the Balkans, the Caucasus, and into China.

Supplement 1

This first supplement to Islamic Art takes as its subject the painted ceilings of the 12th-century Palatine Chapel in Palermo, Italy, with studies by Jeremy Johns and Ernst J Grube. Johns contributes an essay on the date of the ceiling; Grube investigates the stylistic and iconographic background against which the ceiling took its complex and intricate shape, and its painted decoration.