Coleccion Andanzas
2 primary works
Book 174
Book 825
A finales del siglo XVIII, la joven criolla Antonia de Salis vive con su prima Teresa en Rusia. Allí reciben la visita de un fascinante militar hispanoamericano, Francisco de Miranda, precursor de la independencia que agita a las colonias, que está de visita en Rusia para tejer una alianza con Potemkin. Antonia cae seducida ante un personaje tan idealista como ardiente, con fama de donjuán y magnífico contador de historias ante las damas. Tanto que, tras algunos encuentros furtivos, decide seguirlo hasta San Petersburgo, donde Francisco de Miranda es perseguido, sin saberlo, por un diplomático español empeñado en capturarlo. Treinta años después, en la cárcel de La Carraca en Cádiz (los hechos están rigurosamente documentados), un general Miranda enfermo y vencido recibe las visitas y los cuidados de una enigmática mujer que tiene muy presentes las aventuras de Crimea y de San Petersburgo.
In the late eighteenth century, the young Creole Antonia de Salis lives with her cousin Teresa in Russia. There are visited by a fascinating Venezuelan military man, Francisco de Miranda, who is pursuing independence for Latin America and who is visiting Russia to arrange an alliance with Potemkin. Antonia falls for this seductive, idealistic and fiery character, a reputed womanizer and great storyteller to the ladies. So much so that, after some furtive meetings, she decides to follow him to St. Petersburg, where Francisco de Miranda is haunted unknowingly by a Spanish diplomat committed to capturing him. Thirty years later, in the prison of the Carrack in Cadiz (the facts are thoroughly documented), a sick and defeated Miranda receives visits and care from an enigmatic woman who is well aware of the adventures in Crimea and St. Petersburg.
In the late eighteenth century, the young Creole Antonia de Salis lives with her cousin Teresa in Russia. There are visited by a fascinating Venezuelan military man, Francisco de Miranda, who is pursuing independence for Latin America and who is visiting Russia to arrange an alliance with Potemkin. Antonia falls for this seductive, idealistic and fiery character, a reputed womanizer and great storyteller to the ladies. So much so that, after some furtive meetings, she decides to follow him to St. Petersburg, where Francisco de Miranda is haunted unknowingly by a Spanish diplomat committed to capturing him. Thirty years later, in the prison of the Carrack in Cadiz (the facts are thoroughly documented), a sick and defeated Miranda receives visits and care from an enigmatic woman who is well aware of the adventures in Crimea and St. Petersburg.