Dead Clever

by Scarlett Thomas

Published 1 October 1998
A girl found dead on campus - raped, murdered, headless. A university gripped by fear. Just the place for a bit of peace and quiet.

Lily Pascale dumps London - (well, the relationship was turning sour) - and heads home for rest and relaxation. But a part-time job at the university lands her right in a murder enquiry. She can't help getting involved and soon she is following a trail of bizarre clues and codes that lead her into a realm of drugs and something unimaginably sinister. The first killing was just the beginning, leading towards a dreadful conclusion - unless Lily can put the pieces of the puzzle together in time.

Scarlett Thomas's debut crime novel heralds a fresh and vibrant voice and a hip new heroine in detective fiction

In Your Face

by Scarlett Thomas

Published 1 April 1999
Lily Pascale gets a phone call out of the blue from her old friend Jess, a journalist selling true-life stories to a magazine. She has written a feature about three women who were stalked and now, on the day of publication, they've all been found murdered. She's in the frame and she needs a friend. Lily has her own reasons for wanting to escape from Devon, so she's on the next train to London. But when she gets there, Jess has gone. Where is Jess And what is the meaning of the mysterious message she left In order to find out, Lily has to begin picking her way through a confusing world of liars, cheats and charlatans. But who's telling the truth With the help of young artist Jon, tabloid hack Sarah and her father's girlfriend Star, Lily is about to find out...