Islamic Design

by Daud Sutton

Published 1 October 2007

Throughout their long history the craft traditions of the Islamic world evolved a multitude of styles applied to a great variety of media but always with unifying factors that make them instantly recognizable. Harmony is central. There are two key aspects to the visual structure of Islamic design, calligraphy...

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by Anthony Ashton

Published 1 May 1999
Why did Pythagoras pause outside a Blacksmith's workshop? Can the nature of Harmony really be understood visually? Why do harmonies leave gaps or 'commas' when added together? In this charming little book Anthony Ashton uses a Victorian device called a Harmonograph to tell the story of Harmony and the...Read more

What sort of things happen when space crystallises? Why were primordial sages fascinated with five simple forms?
Does the three-dimensional jigsaw fit simply together? If so how? Find out about one of the languages spoken throughout the universe! An understanding of the Platonic Solids, and their close cousins,...Read more

The Quadrivium consists of the four Liberal Arts of Number, Geometry, Music, and Cosmology, studied from antiquity to the Renaissance as a way of glimpsing the nature of reality. They synthesize number, space, and time. Geometry is number in space, music is number in time, and the cosmos expresses...Read more

Why are curves important? What are the secrets of ornamentation? How do you create an invisible repeat in a fabric or wallpaper design? Does a hidden geometry inform these free-flowing floral compositions? In this beautiful pocket book, packed with rare illustrations and helpful diagrams, artist Lisa DeLong demonstrates the...Read more


by Adam Tetlow, Daud Sutton, and Lisa DeLong

Published 1 August 2014
Do you ever stare at patterns and wonder how to construct them? Are you ever captivated and inspired by Celtic or Islamic art? Do you ever think about the illusion of depth perspective that your brain builds from your senses? Are you aware that symmetry informs your feeling of...Read more