ACIAR Monographs
2 primary works
Book 80
Setting Policy Priorities for the Development of Tree Crop Industries in Papua New Guinea
by Euan Fleming and Charles Yala
Published 31 March 2002
A set of assessments of policy options is made in this paper to identify policy priorities for the development of the tree crops sub-sector. The assessments are made on the basis of the four guiding principles for the period 1995-2000 and beyond present by the Department of Agriculture and Livestock. 1. Concentration on investment programs with high returns to production, exports and employment, and minimal adverse effect on the environment 2. Alleviation of the more serious constraints on agricultural production to improve productivity 3. Creation of an environment conducive to greater private sector participation 4. Provision of people and support services to implement government projects effectively.
Book 81
Policy Options for Tree Crop Industries in Papua New Guinea
by Euan Fleming and Charles Yala
Published March 2002
This publications covers the outcomes of a research project funded by ACIAR aimed at developing the tree crops sub-sector in Papua New Guinea. Because of its importance in the traded goods sector, the tree crops sub-sector is crucial for economic development in general, and smallholder agriculture in particular. The Department of Agriculture and Livestock (DAL) considers its revitalisation a planning priority. The major component of these reforms is a structural adjustment program that is beginning to have widespread impacts across the economy, including the rural sector. The major challenge facing the tree crops sub-sector in contributing to the success of the program is to develop mechanisms to maintain comparative advantage and international competitiveness.