Physical Science in Football

by Enzo George

Published 15 January 2020
Whether you are throwing and catching in your backyard, playing touch football, or receiving the kick-off at the Super Bowl, you are demonstrating the laws of physics. Get an edge on your competitors with this informative book, which reveals the science of the game. Discover how air resistance and friction affects how a ball travels, how torque helps make a tackle, and why kinetic energy and impact make helmets necessary.

Pedaling a bike engages some of the most complex forces in the world of physics. Get an edge on your competitors with this fascinating book, which reveals the science of cycling. From stunt riding to road racing, discover how forces work to keeping you upright, pedaling, and moving forward all at the same time.

Physical Science in Basketball

by Enzo George

Published 15 January 2020
Playing basketball requires skill, strength, agility—and physics! Get an edge on your competitors with this fascinating book, which reveals the science of the game. Discover how players who jump have to overcome gravity, how friction affects the ball when it bounces on the ground, and why the shot clock has to precisely measure time to make sure that teams shoot within 24 seconds of taking possession.