Book 19

Iron Lady

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 June 1996
When three young Winslow daughters arrive in New York City in 1902, they each pursue a different dream--one of being a nurse and missionary, one of performing on stage, and the other of photographing the plight of the immigrants in the tenement slums.

Book 20

The Silver Star

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 April 1997
Despite the adoring audiences and her rising fame as a stage actress, Priscilla Winslow feels compelled to leave New York City behind, embarking on a new acting career in Hollywood.

Book 21

The Shadow Portrait

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 June 1998
Peter and Phil Winslow fight their own battles as newcomers to New York. Struggling to make their dreams come true, they discover what is important in life.

Book 24

The Glorious Prodigal

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 October 2000
When Leah Freeman attends the Fourth of July celebration, she falls in love with the dashing Stuart Winslow, a gifted musician. Despite warnings about his character--and her own misgivings--Leah accepts Stuart's proposal and marries him. Soon Stuart falls back into his old ways, and Leah's love for him is severely tested when he winds up in Tucker Penitentiary. The years in prison take their toll on Stuart until he finally faces up to the truth about his deplorable life. Though he yearns for forgiveness and reconciliation, Stuart faces the possibility that Leah may never be able to trust or love him again. When a man bent on revenge confronts his family, Stuart is forced into a difficult choice that could cost him dearly. Amid the turmoil that swirls about them, Stuart and Leah must learn the secret of true love.(House of Winslow Book 24)

Book 26

Golden Angel

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 August 2001
Stunt pilot Erin Winslow experiences adventure, romance, and heartbreak that takes her from the savannahs of Africa to the silver screen of Hollywood. Original.