A charming story about a teacher and her crew of preschoolers imagining and practicing classroom expectations.

It's one of those days in Ms. Mya's classroom, when things just aren't clicking: Jamilla is jumping. Ruth is running. And Reese is roaring like a great big lion for no reason at all. But Ms. Mya knows what to do. She gathers up the children, and together they begin a conversation about expectations. When adults guide children in a positive, proactive way by supplying clear expectations of what to do, when to do it, and how to behave, children learn to focus, direct their attention, manage their emotions, and regulate their behavior. A charming story coupled with engaging illustrations, When You Just Have to Roar! helps children and the adults who care for them make every day its best.

The book contains a page of information to help parents, caregivers, and educators reinforce these important concepts and support children's development of emotional control and self-regulation.

A Teacher's Promise

by Rachel Robertson

Published 30 December 2015
Let a teacher be your guide on an adventure full of discoveries, friends, and fun.

Who shows you new things while you dream, learn, and grow? Who helps you discover, play, and explore? A teacher, that's who! With a caring teacher there for support and guidance, an infinite journey awaits. This should be every teacher's promise.