Book 28

A Man Of Honor

by Linda Barrett

Published 1 August 2006

Heather Marshall is fearless

But to Officer Dave McCoy, the social worker' s fearlessness spells trouble. And he can' t understand why she' s so afraid to trust her safety–and her heart–to a cop.

Heather' s dad was a cop–one with problems that nearly destroyed her family. But she survived. And she' s proud of her instincts as the can–do force behind a thriving inner-city shelter program.

Now her father wants a second chance. Well, he can get in line behind McCoy, because when it comes to cops, Heather has a hard time believing what any of them say. It' s up to Dave to change her mind.

Book 43

Summer at the Lake

by Linda Barrett

Published 1 January 2009

Kristin McCarthy hears him before she sees him.

The melody of his saxophone glides across the summer night. The music's healing effect on her daughter has Kristin seeking the person who can play so beautifully. Too bad Rick Cooper is a cop. With all she and her daughter have experienced, police don't rank high on their get-to-know-you list.

Still, Rick could be one of the good guys. Something about him challenges all Kristin's assumptions. And their time together sparks her hopes for a future beyond this lakeside retreat. But before she can bring those dreams to life, Rick has to prove he's the man she and her daughter can trust...forever.