Louder Than Words

by Kathy Kacer

Published 30 April 2020

Heroic actions speak volumes in a powerful middle grade novel based on real WWII events.

Life is not easy for Jewish people in the midst of the Second World War, and for twelve-year-old Dina and her sisters, it gets even harder when their father dies. Their mother must...

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Masters of Silence

by Kathy Kacer

Published 25 April 2019

Kathy Kacer’s second book in her middle grade series about heroic rescues during WWII tells the tale of siblings Helen and Henry, and history’s most famous mime. Desperate to save them from the Nazis, Henry and Helen’s mother makes the harrowing decision to take her children from their home...

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Call Across the Sea

by Kathy Kacer

Published 27 May 2021

History is made one brave act at a time.

Henny has grown up with her father’s boat, the Gerda III, as a home away from home. She loves sailing the waters between Denmark and Sweden, carried along by the salt breeze. But when Nazi rule tightens in Copenhagen, Henny...

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