Western Balkans

by Richard Plunkett, Vesna Maric, and Jeanne Oliver

Published 17 February 2006
This travel guide, written by Richard Plunkett, Vesna Maric and Jeanne Oliver, provides a no-frills look at the Western Balkans.


by Vesna Maric

Published 19 June 2009
This is a complete, practical country guide to Cyprus for independent travellers, featuring a chapter dedicated to activities on the island. It also contains expanded sections on culture, history and food and drink.

This is the only travel guide to cover all three countries of the South Caucasus. It details the fascinating history and absorbing culture of the region, as well as providing practical information on safety concerns and border crossings.


by Jeanne Oliver

Published April 1999
This guide to Croatia has details on outdoor activities including hiking, scuba diving and rock climbing; explanations of the country's cuisine, including regional specialities; a guide to Croatia's islands, from the lavish to the unknown; and extensive boat and ferry schedules.

This is the only English-language guide to Bangladesh. It contains reliable information on how to travel around this great budget destination, advice on negotiating the vast network of waterways, two wheeled sightseeing in the bicycle-friendly country, and tips on the best places to stay and eat.

Croatia Moleskin

by Jeanne Oliver

Published 28 October 2005