New Friend Old Friends

by Julia Jarman

Published 6 February 2014
Phoebe, Daisy and Erika are very excited – a new girl is joining their class! But when Shazia starts school, the three girls compete to be her friend. Shazia comes from Pakistan and everything is new for her. She is eager to fit in and when her adventurous plans...Read more

Make Friends Break Friends

by Julia Jarman

Published 7 February 2013
Daisy has two best friends, Phoebe and Erika, but they don't get on. Erika thinks Phoebe's feeble and Phoebe thinks Erika's a bully.

Daisy has a plan to get her two best friends to like each other, but suddenly everyone is against her! Then the three girls...Read more

A Friend in Need

by Julia Jarman

Published 4 July 2013
Erika is good at sport, actually she's good at everything, and she has loads of friends. But her two best friends Daisy and Phoebe are worried about her - she seems really quiet and is avoiding them.
If it wasn't Erika they'd be worried she was being bullied,...Read more