Snow Goalie

by Sophie Smiley

Published 7 January 2010
Charlie and her brothers are in the final of the local five-a-side tournament, and they need to practise hard. But when it snows heavily overnight, their plans soon change. Charlie's brother, Bobby, is marooned in the snow and she must attempt a daring adventure to rescue him. But with the team reunited once more, how will they manage to play on the frozen pitch, never mind win the game?

Pirates Ahoy!

by Sophie Smiley

Published 5 March 2009
'Why are pirates called pirates?'
'Because they aaAHRRR!'

Charlie's football-mad family swap goalposts for the seaside, and her brother's on a quest for a pirate adventure. It's all hands on deck as cannonballs fly and damsels in distress are rescued. But will Bobby ever find his hidden treasure? And will Charlie ever win him back to the football pitch?

Team Trouble

by Sophie Smiley

Published 5 July 2007
Charlie has a football mad family - her mother gives a yellow card rather than a ticking off (because you can't argue with the ref. can you?). Usually the family make a great team, so when her thirteen-year-old brother Semi starts to get grumpy and choses not to join in, it is a great shock. Well, it's a great shock for Charlie and little brother Bobby. But her parents seem to know exactly what is going on. It takes a while for Charlie to realise that it's the onset of teenagerdom, and all to be expected - and even better, Semi will get over it!

Football Fever

by Sophie Smiley

Published 27 May 2010
Wembley, Striker, Semi, Bobby and Charlton (Charlie). With names like that it's no wonder Charlie and her brothers are football mad! Together they make a great team and use football to solve all the problems that get in their way - from bulls to bullies!

Here is a bumper collection of three fantastic books about them. Result!

Man Of The Match

by Sophie Smiley

Published 4 August 2005
This is the second story to feature Bobby, the Down's Syndrome football enthusiast, and his big sister Charlie. This time they are off to summer camp. Also with them is Paul, a boy who hides underneath a furry parka and will not speak. Bobby instantly decides that the two of them are best friends, and as he is potty about football, he tries to play it with him as much as possible. Charlie is being a responsible older sister and keeping a watch on Bobby, which is demanding enough, but she also has a challenge of her own. One of the planned camp activities is a relay race over water, and she is very scared of water. But thanks to the wonderful positivity that Bobby exudes all round him, Charlie beats her demons, Bobby plays football whether it's planned or not, and Paul? Well, Bobby gets him talking! He makes him Man of the Match!

Pup on the Pitch

by Sophie Smiley

Published 2 July 2009
Bobby's football team mascot is a dog, and Bobby wants one too. He dreams of a cuddly puppy who will join him as a defender on the pitch. But when a dog arrives next door, his love of dogs turns to terror. Can he overcome his fear? Will he be able to help his sister, Charlie, in her cup final, and even take on the local bully?