Don't Get Angry, Annie

by Lisa Regan

Published 30 July 2017

Wait Your Turn, Tilly

by Lisa Regan

Published 30 July 2017

No Hitting, Henry

by Lisa Regan

Published 30 July 2017

Doing the right thing isn't always easy! Like all children, Annie sometimes gets really, really angry! For example, if a picture she's drawing isn't just right, or if her mum won't let her have a cookie when it's just before dinner time, or if her brother won't play the way she wants to. But how can she stay calm? This book explores different scenarios that would make a child angry and then give three possible ways of dealing with this, one of which is right and the other two are wrong. Can you decide which is the right thing to do?

You Choose

by Lisa Regan

Published 30 July 2017

Doing the right thing isn't always easy! Like all children, Sam sometimes feels sad and he doesn't know how to make himself feel better. For example, if he drops a plate by accident, if a pet dies, if a friend moves away, or if he can't find anyone to play with in the playground. But how can he not feel so sad? This book explores different scenarios that would make a child upset and then give three possible ways of dealing with this, one of which is right and the other two are wrong. Can you decide which is the right thing to do?

Don't Be Sad, Sam

by Lisa Regan

Published 30 July 2017

You Choose!: No Hitting, Henry

by Lisa Regan

Published 25 April 2013
Doing the right thing isn't always easy! Like all children, Henry sometimes gets angry when things don't go his way, and sometimes he hits, too! For example, if he's feeling left out of a game, or if he's bored at the shops with his Dad. But how can he stay calm? This book explores different scenarios that would make a child want to hit or pinch and then give three possible ways of dealing with this, one of which is right and the other two are wrong. Can you decide which is the right thing to do?

Wait Your Turn, Tilly

by Lisa Regan

Published 25 April 2013
Doing the right thing isn't always easy! Like all children, Tilly wants to do everything right now, and sometimes she just can't wait! For example, if her brother or a friend is playing with a game or toy that she wants, or if an adult's talking and she wants something, or if party bags are being handed out she pushes to the front. But how can she be patient? This book explores different scenarios that would make a child impatient and then give three possible ways of dealing with this, one of which is right and the other two are wrong. Can you decide which is the right thing to do?