Traces the evolution of reptiles from various prehistoric animals, including flying and sea dinosaurs. Discusses the death of dinosaurs, where reptiles live today, the variety of lizards, snakes, crocodiles, alligators, and turtles, their enemies, and their future.
Introduces various types of insects, describing their skin, wings, eyes, feelers, life cycles, and environments; how they breathe and eat; and those that are pests and those that are helpful.
Traces early maritime history from the Egyptians to Captain Cook, discusses how sails were developed to use the wind, describes clipper ships, steamships, ocean liners, working ships, inland waterways, and canals, and examines safety at sea and the future of ships.
Describes various aspects of deserts, including their creation, modernization, plant and animal life, mineral and oil resources, and how humans live there.
Discusses how planes fly, the history of flight, the first airlines, occupations involving aeronautics, contemporary commercial flights, and other aspects of planes.