Connected or Disconnected? Discern the Myths of the Digital Age

The Hyperlinked Life is for anyone who would struggle to go a day without internet access. Information overload. You live it everyday. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram - you're more informed and connected than ever. Yet if you're honest, you're probably feeling more distracted than ever. More lonely. More restless. As much as we try to stop consuming the vast amounts of info coming at us, we wrestle against a paranoia of ‘missing out’ on important information or being out of the loop on something. How can we rest from information, take a Sabbath for our technology or information use? How does this help us to become the right kind of factivist? The onus is more and more on us to find "the truth" and to be aware of our own biases in what we share and don't. It is possible to live with wisdom in this hyperlinked life - and in these pages, you'll learn how. 

Hyperlinked Life is part of the FRAMES series - short yet meaningful reads on the top issues facing us in today's complex culture. A new kind of book brought to you by Barna Group, to help you read less, and know more. 

Your Quarterlife Doesn't Have to be a Crisis

20 and Something is for emerging adults and anyone wondering about "those millennials." Twentysomethings today are different than twentysomethings of any other generation. But you already know that—you’re redefining what it looks like to "grow up," contribute to society, and live a meaningful life. Even so, big questions lie ahead—questions about work, calling, marriage, family, faith, and more. How you relate to these institutions will have huge ramifications—for your own life, of course, but also for the rest of society, because institutions need new ways of relating to you as well.

20 and Something is part of the FRAMES series - short yet meaningful reads on the top issues facing us in today’s complex culture. It's a new kind of book brought to you by Barna Group, to help you read less, and know more. 

It's a social problem that can be solved

Schools in Crisis is for parents, mentors, and friends who want kids to succeed. In many ways, America's children are at the mercy of their zip code. Five simple numbers to determine your future. Kids are either raised in a zip code zoned for a public school with quality education or a public school with poor education. This education will set the trajectory for their future - for better or for worse. Educational inequity is one of the biggest social problems of our time. But it can be fixed within our lifetime. And each of us, whether we have school-aged children or not, has a role to play.

Schools in Crisis is part of the FRAMES series - short yet meaningful reads on the top issues facing us in today's complex culture. It's a new kind of book brought to you by Barna Group, to help you read less, and know more. 

Your Guidebook to Finding Work that Matters

Sometimes following your calling means taking a risk, getting creative. You long to do work that matters—whether it’s in a coffee shop or an executive office, in a school or hospital. Yet that kind of fulfillment doesn’t always happen in your 8 to 5, which means you may have to find it elsewhere. Sometimes you follow your calling by multi-careering.  

With over 20 full-color infographics, Multi-Careering, by bestselling author Bob Goff, helps you navigate the “new normal” of careers. Whether you’ve had a handful of careers in your lifetime or a handful of careers this month, consider Multi-Careering your guidebook to finding work that leaves the world in a better place than you found it.

Multi-Careering is part of the FRAMES series - short yet meaningful reads on the top issues facing us in today's complex culture. It's a new kind of book brought to you by Barna Group, to help you read less, and know more. 

Dodge Burnout and Set Yourself Up for Success

Greater Expectations is for anyone who's felt the pressure to be all things to all people.  Every morning you wake up to a state of digital overwhelm. You're still in bed and you reach for your phone; you scan the day's schedule, the night's build-up of news and texts and emails and your ever-mounting to-do list. It's not even 8 a.m. and you're already burned out. It doesn't have to be this way. Many of the world's most successful people have one thing in common, as simple as it is profound: They have established a routine. And you can do the same. We live in a time of greater expectations - we can't escape that. But we can be intentional about our response. These pages will show you how to reorder your days - and by extension, your life.

Greater Expectations is part of the FRAMES series - short yet meaningful reads on the top issues facing us in today's complex culture. It's a new kind of book brought to you by Barna Group, to help you read less, and know more. 

You Don't Need to "Have it All"

Really, you don't. Wonder Women is for every woman trying to maintain the perfect everything - and still falling short. Having it all. Finding balance. Leaning in and trying to make sure there are clean clothes in the closet and groceries in the fridge. The cultural conversations occurring today engage the very real struggle of women trying to find their way between the questions of career, identity, motherhood, and more. But sometimes "you can do anything you want" feels less like empowerment and more like pressure to do everything - and to do it all "right." Maybe it's time to start asking new questions. Maybe it's time to change the conversation altogether.

Wonder Women is part of the FRAMES series - short yet meaningful reads on the top issues facing us in today's complex culture. It's a new kind of book brought to you by Barna Group, to help you read less, and know more.