2 Corinthians

by John Ortberg

Published 12 September 2008

Extend the Compassion and Grace of Jesus Jesus came to serve, sacrifice, and die. His humble lifestyle flies in the face of the conventional wisdom of a society that is fixated on getting more and scraping our way to the top. Not only did the Savior model a life of extraordinary service, he called his followers to join him in this mission. In 2 Corinthians we find a pathway to Jesus-like living. Paul calls us to align our hearts and lives with the way of the Savior and offer authentic love, amazing grace, extravagant generosity, and humble service. As we do this, we are shaped into the image of the One who served so hard he ended up on a cross.

Six-session small group studies to build true community within the church and among the world Parables: Jesus, the wisest man who ever lived, had much to say about God, the human heart, the future, life, anger, love, and everything that mattered. Digging into the treasure trove of the wisdom and truth hidden in his parables will stretch minds, feed souls, pierce hearts, and shape his followers into true disciples.


by John Ortberg

Published 21 September 1999
Consult the compass for the journey of your life. Life as a Christian is a journey -- a journey toward God. But how do you set your compass? How do you make sure that God is guiding your steps and that you are not being blown willy-nilly by life's shifting winds of circumstance? Turn to the book of Exodus and discover guidance and joy for your pilgrimage. You will grow to know God in a deeper, more personal way. You will learn to trust him more than ever before. You will discover who your fellow travelers are. And you will learn how to chart your course by the compass of God's will as you take the trip of your life.

1 John

by John Ortberg

Published 21 September 1999
When God pours out his love, our parched lives are revived and our thirsty souls satisfied. What is the secret of receiving more of God's love and of giving it freely to others? The book of I John calls us back to the basics of loving God and one another. Do you long to experience God's mercy and goodness in deeper ways and extend them to others? Would you like his love to fill you up to the point where it overflows naturally into the lives of others? This study of I John will help you and your small group experience the refreshing rain of God's love in ways you have always wanted. New Community Series -- a high-impact tool for experiencing the transforming power of God's Word. This cutting-edge series lets you explore life-changing topics from a biblical perspective in community with others in your small group. Challenging questions encourage you to reflect on Scripture and its impact on your life, both as an individual and as part of a community of Christ followers.


by John Ortberg

Published 23 September 1999
Today, some people think of the church as a powerless institution made of ancient traditions and stuffy buildings. They're wrong! The church is the new community of God's people. It's filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. And it has as much to say to the world today as it did two thousand years ago. In Acts, you will discover that God wants to do a fresh work among his people by the power of the Holy Spirit. You will find the pathway to authentic community. You will learn how to grow as a worshiper. And you will deepen your passion to invite others into the fellowship of Christ-followers we call the church. Sound exciting? Let's rediscover church together!

Face the Tough Times with Confidence The question is not, "Will I face challenges?" The issue is, "How will I deal with the tough times that come my way?" No one travels far down the road without confronting the sobering reality that life can be hard. The book of Nehemiah is a case study in overcoming life's challenges. Wave after wave of pain pounded on the shores of Nehemiah's life, but he kept standing strong. A tsunami of relational, financial, and spiritual attacks came, but he withstood it all in the power of God. As we meditate on Nehemiah's story, we discover the hope and victory that come when we walk in God's wisdom through the challenges of life.

Come Close and Meet the One Who Loves You How do you jog your memory and restore your vision of God? A fresh encounter! Look into the face of the Father and see him smile with delight as he gazes adoringly at you. Open your eyes and stand amazed at the glory and intricacies of creation and remember the vastness of God's handiwork. Peek behind the veil of eternity and get a glimpse of heavenly worship and be swept into the party of praise. The book of Psalms opens our hearts and eyes to the presence, power, and character of God. In this ancient prayer book we discover how to connect with the One who loves us more than we dare to dream.


by John Ortberg

Published 25 December 2001
Six-session small group studies to build true community within the church and among the world.Revelation: When is the world going to end? Who is the anti-Christ? Will Christians go through the tribulation? This study helps readers find a humble, biblical balance as they learn, study, and look closely at this powerful book whose purpose is to mold them into people ready to meet Jesus.


by John Ortberg

Published 22 December 2009
DISCOVER HOW GOD USES ORDINARY PEOPLE IN EXTRAORDINARY WAYSConsider this: God wants to use you to impact people in powerful ways. How often do you reflect on your spiritual influence? It is unrelated to your title, position, human status, or worldly achievements. It is based on how closely you are connected to the heart of God and how faithfully you follow Jesus. Do the people you love see the life of God’s kingdom flowing through you? In Titus, you’ll discover how spiritual influence weaves its way through your friendships, your family, your church, the world, and every relationship you have. When the Holy Spirit is at work in you—an ordinary person—you are being used by God in extraordinary ways. Be a vessel for the divine. Let your integrity blossom. Every follower of Jesus has spiritual influence … and God wants to use you for his glory.

The Lord's Prayer

by John Ortberg

Published 23 December 2008

Learn to Pray with the Master If you could ask the first disciples, “What was the Savior’s secret to living in alignment with the Father’s will and with power to face life’s challenges,” they would have answered with one word, “Prayer!” As we learn to talk with the Father, we grow strong in faith and obedience. The Lord’s Prayer is much more than a collection of words to be recited from memory. It is a Jesus-given springboard to launch us into the refreshing waters of God’s wisdom and strength. When we learn to pray with Jesus, we become like him. Will you dare to echo the plea of the first disciples, “Teach us to pray”?


by John Ortberg

Published 9 December 2008

Stand Strong in Life’s Furnaces How do you respond when the bottom drops out? What happens to your character quotient when things don’t go the way you planned? How do you react when the temperature is rising, you are under attack, and God seems far away? Daniel discovered that the furnace experiences of life refine and define us. Spiritual integrity rarely grows when everything goes our way. Instead, God uses things like a furnace, a lion’s den, a mad king, and exile in a foreign country to forge character in a soul. If you long to meet God in the challenging times and come through the fire stronger and more faithful, Daniel is ready to show the way.

1 and 2 Samuel

by John Ortberg

Published 9 December 2008

Written by the dynamic leaders of church ministry across the country, this series explores life-changing topics from a biblical perspective. New Community guides don’t force small groups to choose between Bible study and building community. Just the opposite. Each study delves deeply into Scripture in a way that strengthens relationships. Challenging questions encourage group members to reflect not only on Scripture but also on their own lives—individually and as a part of God’s family. And unlike most Bible studies, the New Community series helps study groups convert biblical principles into practical teamwork—helping at the soup kitchen, bringing a meal to someone, writing an encouraging letter, and so on. Filled with prayer, insight, intimacy, and action, each study in this series will help group members line up their lives and relationship more closely with the Bible’s model for the church.