The women in the Bible asked the same three questions we all still ask today: How does everyone else see me? How do I see myself? How does God see me?

Naomi’s story, found in the book of Ruth, is a story of lost identity. She lost her husband and her sons, which in her culture left her completely without a home or a means to support herself. She was a Hebrew woman in Moabite territory, alone among strangers. She reacted by letting her circumstances define her. But even in her angry, fearful, rather dramatic season of feeling like the victim, God kept showing his faithfulness.

This Bible study will take you through Naomi’s journey from comfort and security to despair and bitterness; from hopeless drifting to faithful obedience; and from loss to redemption in one short lifetime. We’ll learn that when we go through trauma, loss, and hardship, it’s normal to feel Just. So. Done. Yet God remains close. He is not done. He can and will redeem even in our darkest circumstances.

Sessions include:

  1. When Hard Times Hit (26:00)
  2. Behind the Scenes (17:00)
  3. Better than Being Fixed (17:00)
  4. From Bitter to Blessed (19:00)

This pack contains one book and one DVD.


by Kasey Van Norman, Jada Edwards, and Nicole Johnson

Published 7 January 2018

The women in the Bible asked the same three questions we all still ask today: How does everyone else see me? How do I see myself? How does God see me?

Rahab’s story, found in the book of Joshua, is a story of a girl boss, an assertive, confident woman who did what she had to do to provide for her family. Her identity was shaped by her upbringing. With no Bible study to join or podcast to download, Rahab learned her beliefs and behaviors in a culture that believed in gods, not God. But when opportunity knocked, she boldly trusted in the God she had never known, and became something she never imagined–a woman who brought freedom to generations.

This Bible study will take you through Rahab’s story as she trusted God’s final word about her worth above society’s. You will learn how to shed unhelpful labels and fears, and instead revel in God’s unconditional love and acceptance of you–just as you are. You can be free from shame and doubt.

This study guide features video notes, group discussion questions, and between-session activities like reflecting on the drama and teachings, studying the character story in Scripture, memory verses, and journaling.

Sessions include:

  1. Your Past Has a Purpose
  2. Liking Your Reflection
  3. What’s in a Reputation
  4. You Have a Choice

Designed for use with Known By Name: Rahab Video Study (9780310096344), sold separately.


by Kasey Van Norman, Jada Edwards, and Nicole Johnson

Published 7 January 2018

The women in the Bible asked the same three questions we all still ask today: How does everyone else see me? How do I see myself? How does God see me?

Hagar’s story, found in Genesis 16, is a story of cultural victimization. She was betrayed, abandoned, and scorned. Her response? She did what most of us would do when deeply hurt by someone we trust–she ran away. She got defensive. She retreated to a place where she felt safe. She felt justified in her anger and hurt. But deep in her core was a woman who longed to be seen and hoped for redemption.

This Bible study will take you through Hagar’s story as she learns from hurt and heartache that what is unresolved is not unseen by God. The lack of finality in Hagar’s story teaches us to trust God with the ending–believing he sees us and he knows.

This study guide features video notes, group discussion questions, and between-session activities like reflecting on the drama and teachings, studying the character story in Scripture, memory verses, and journaling.

Sessions include:

  1. Exposing the Lie of Shame
  2. Rejected to Accepted
  3. Trusting after Betrayal
  4. Transformed and Seen

Designed for use with Known By Name: Hagar Video Study (9780310096498), sold separately.