Fresh Kills

by Carolyn Wheat

Published 1 June 1995

Dead Man's Thoughts

by Carolyn Wheat

Published 1 January 1983

Where Nobody Dies

by Carolyn Wheat

Published 1 January 1986

Troubled Waters

by Carolyn Wheat

Published 1 August 1997
Troubled Waters takes Cass Jameson back to the most exciting time of her life: the summer of 1969, when she embraced the idealism of the times with conviction and euphoria. But the good times ended and the trouble began when Cass and her brother Ron were thrown in jail for protesting the negligent poisoning of a child migrant worker. Years later, Cass was a practicing attorney, while Ron, who had returned from Vietnam in a wheelchair, took up a more idealistic pursuit: transporting refugees seeking asylum across the Canadian border. When Ron and his friends were apprehended, there was an explosive confrontation - and a federal agent ended up dead. Charged with murder, Ron's girlfriend Jan fled, and lived as a fugitive for fifteen years. Now, Jan has turned herself in - and implicated Ron as her accomplice. Cass is convinced that Ron had nothing to do with the murder, and she's determined to clear his name even if she has to use his condition to play on the jury's sympathy. But Cass's biggest problem has nothing to do with the jury - it has to do with Ron. If Ron is still deeply in love with Jan, how will he do what he must do to save himself? How will he testify against her?

Fresh Kills Hc

by Carolyn Wheat

Published 1 June 1995