Dog Miracles

by Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger

Published 1 January 2004
Everyone knows that dogs are man's best friends. But the stories in this collection prove that canines can go beyond best friend--to four legged angels. Whether thwarting muggers, rescuing entire families from life-threatening fires, roaming over hundreds of miles and perilous conditions to return home, or communicating--and connecting--with their owners beyond the physical world, dogs are truly miraculous creatures. These amazing stories will delight and inspire dog lovers everywhere. Each of the extraordinary dogs truly demonstrates the meaning of love, as their devotion and good deeds illustrate the very real bond between dogs and people.

Santa Miracles

by Brad Steiger

Published 1 January 2009
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!

In this heartfelt collection of real-life Santa stories, Christmas lovers will learn that the jolly old elf is alive and well and still performing miracles that reflect the spirit of the season this and every Christmas. Inside you will meet such inspiring Santa Clauses as:Raleigh, the mailman, who every Christmas, donned a Santa suit to distribute gifts of toys and food to the poor families in "shanty town," because they were too proud to accept charity from someone they knewBill, the juvenile delinquent sentenced by the judge to play Santa and distribute gifts to the children at a local orphanage who in the process discovered the true spirit of ChristmasRobert, who kept an old man from being mugged one cold December night, only to recognize him later over coffee as the local department store Santa who had brightened his childhood Christmases Not even Scrooge himself could resist these touching yuletide stories of cheer, hope, and love. If you love Christmas, you'll love this book!

Angel Miracles

by Brad Steiger

Published 17 September 2008
A near collision while driving. Recovery from a serious illness. Escaping an accident without a scratch. Everyone has had a moment when they knew someone up above was looking out for them down below. Some things are just unexplainable. Sometimes it has to be left to one's Guardian Angel. This book is a collection of stories that shine with hope and true inspiration. Compiled by Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger, it celebrates the beauty of mysterious miracles that can only be attributed to those divine helpers. You will be astonished by these remarkably true stories of angelic intervention.

Cat Miracles

by Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger

Published 1 January 2004
It is often said that cats find their owners. Bestselling authors Brad Steiger and Sherry Hansen Steiger turn their attention to amazing cats that have gone one step beyond and have brought actual miracles to their owner's lives. Whether saving an ailing diabetic from slipping into a coma, protecting a small child from a dangerous rattlesnake, or traveling more than 600 hundred miles to be reunited with their family, these mysterious and comforting creatures prove themselves to be nothing short of miraculous. The stories in this collection celebrate survival, courage, and unbelievable heroism.

Through their courage, strength, and beauty, horses will forever be known to capture hearts and bond with humans in a way never thought possible. Horses demonstrate their loyalty and bravery every day on farms and in riding stables. But in this exciting volume of the Miracles series, horses go beyond bravery and prove themselves to be miracle workers. Whether rescuing their young owners from an attacker, overcoming abuse to serve as a teacher to other horses, or proving therapy to those who need it most, these noble creatures have proven time and time again that miracles can and do happen. This book brings to life the steadfast horse-human bond and shows how horses can change the lives of their riders forever.

Christmas Miracles

by Brad Steiger

Published 4 July 2001
"Brad and Sherry Hansen Steiger are two of my favorite people. Their wonderful book Christmas Miracles is a treasury of uplifting stories that demonstrates the wonders that can and do accompany our lives."
Shirley MacLaine, Academy Award-winning actress and author

The promise that miracles can happen is never more certain than during the holiday season, when it really does seem that your dreams and wishes can come true. From a guardian angel who finds a desperately needed job for a man whose wife is about to give birth right before Christmas to pair of grieving parents who receive a warm Christmas message from their recently departed son, these incredible-but-true, larger-than-life miracles celebrate the wondrous joys of this special time of year. Because the first Christmas and every one since is a miracle.

Puppy Miracles

by Brad Steiger

Published 29 December 2006
What's cuter and more adorable than a puppy? This follow-up to "Dog Miracles" presents fifty amazing puppies who brought blessings on their people and survived against difficult odds. This remarkable collection showcases the special and dramatic role any puppy, no matter how small, can play in transforming and touching lives, such as: Myron, a Collie pup, who saved a calf stuck under a fence from drowning in heavy rain and flooding; Blackie, a former stray puppy who still walks eight miles each Sunday to attend 7:30 A.M. mass with her old congregation; Princess, a German shepherd puppy, who saved an infant from what could have been a fatal fall down a steep flight of stairs; and Tyson, who kept his sixteen-year-old owner Robert warm and safe after he had been beaten by thugs until help came.