This book presents 10 stories retelling the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, told from different characters' points of view : the donkey who carries Mary to Bethlehem taking pride in his job; the caring Innkeeper's wife who notices that Mary needs a bit of comfort; and even the...Read more

Here are 10 amusing stories with a theme suitable for bedtime - always goodhearted and morally uplifting, yet curiously mischievous as well! John Goodwin's warm and witty writing combines with Stephen Waterhouse's vibrantly detailed illustrations to bring these traditional folktales to life. A one-line introduction gives the point of...Read more

John Goodwin lends his amusing storytelling style to 10 animal stories which each have an important moral value to impart. Stories are drawn from a range of countries - China, India, Germany - as well as giving a passing nod to the fables of Aesop. Stories included are: The...Read more