Book 1

Heart of a Lion

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 October 2002
In his newest series, much-loved master storyteller Gilbert Morris turns his imagination to the Jewish ancestry of Jesus of Nazareth. Combining extensive research with skillful plotting, Morris creates believable scenarios and great stories. The result is an exciting series with riveting, action-packed adventures that will entertain, enlighten, and challenge readers as never before. In the series debut, Heart of a Lion, Noah struggles to resist the siren call of the world's pleasures, while straining to hear the still, small voice of his father's God. The reader is in for a roller-coaster ride of surprises as humanity's common ancestor fights the spiritual battle of the ages.

Book 2

No Woman So Fair

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 May 2003
Book 2 of Lions of Judah. Much-loved master storyteller Gilbert Morris has turned an imaginative pen to the lives of the patriarchs. Combining extensive research with skillful plotting, Morris creates believable scenarios in which his fictional characters are worthy of their biblical counterparts. The result is an exciting story with riveting, action-packed adventures that will entertain, enlighten, and challenge readers to think in new ways about familiar stories from the Bible. In No Woman So Fair, Abram and Sarai struggle with the call of God on their lives and his promise to give them a child. Their battles with doubt and temptation will have readers glued to the pages and seeing spiritual forbears in a new light.

Book 4

Till Shiloh Comes

by Gilbert Morris

Published 1 February 2005
The familiar story of patriarch Jacob and his twelve sons comes to new life and power in this masterful retelling by Gilbert Morris. Joseph seems to be the one who will be chosen to carry on the family name and birthright, but Jacob makes a startling announcement: "The scepter will not depart from Judah until Shiloh comes..." Lions of Judah, Book 4.