Erasmus challenged Martin Luther's stand on predestination and preferred to remain a member of the Roman Catholic Church while urging for its reform. Full colour photo essays illustrate the life and times of the religious figure.

Martin Luther

by Samuel Willard Crompton

Published 30 December 2003
A series that examines the lives of people who have had a major impact on the history or current practice of religion. This volume follows the life of Martin Luther.

Emanuel Swedenborg

by Samuel Willard Crompton

Published 30 August 2004
Swedenborg is credited as being the major intellectual of Sweden for the early eighteenth century. Interested in spiritual matters, he wrote prolifically about his beliefs.

Jonathan Edwards

by Samuel Willard Crompton

Published 30 August 2004
Edwards was a major figure in the Great Awakening religious movement that spread throughout the colonies of North American in the eighteenth century.

Thomas Merton

by Samuel Willard Crompton

Published 29 February 2004
A series that examines the lives of people who have had a major impact on the history or current practice of religion. This volume follows the life of Thomas Merton.