Poor communication lies at the heart of most relationship problems. Everyone wants to be heard, to be understood, and to be treated with respect. But in our digital age of texting and social media, it’s easy to distance ourselves from the words we put out into the world, and many times, we may not be aware of the negative impact our words can have on people, whether they are our friends, family, or coworkers.

This is where the concept of Right Speech comes in. An important part of the Buddhist Noble Eightfold Path, Right Speech is the philosophy that what you say can positively or negatively impact your life, as well as the lives of those around you. Speech to avoid includes divisive speech, abusive speech, lies, and idle gossip. In addition, most of what we say fails to convey what we really mean in our hearts.

With this book as your guide, you’ll learn thousands of tips to help you speak your truth, say what you really mean in your heart, improve all of your relationships, and choose your words wisely and conscientiously in every situation.

How Would Buddha Act?

by Barbara Ann Kipfer

Published 27 January 2016

In How Would Buddha Act?, best-selling author Barbara Ann Kipfer offers a unique, modern take on the ancient teachings of Right Action-the Buddhist concept of acting in loving, compassionate ways and responding to others with the intention of doing no harm. In the book, you'll learn that every thought, word, and deed has a consequence, and that by trying to be a better person in day-to-day life, you will be taking meaningful steps toward true enlightenment.

If you're like many others, you probably live an overbooked, stressful life. And when you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and rushed, it's easier to engage in negative behaviors like overindulging in food or alcohol, watching too much television, maxing out your credit card, or neglecting those you love. You might find yourself on autopilot, completely unable to connect with your friends, family, and community. This book offers 1,500 affirmations to help you avoid these common pitfalls, and stay on the path to enlightenment.

How Would Buddha Think?

by Barbara Ann Kipfer

Published 25 August 2016

Every word and every action begins with a thought. Negative thoughts based in jealousy, greed, or hatred may seem harmless on the surface. After all, they're only thoughts, right? But while thoughts are only in our head, they often betray our intentions, and can directly shape our actions. So, how can you overcome internal negativity and live more consciously?

In How Would Buddha Think?, best-selling author of 14,000 Things to Be Happy About, Barbara Ann Kipfer offers an insightful, modern take on the ancient teaching of Right Intention-an important tenet of the Buddhist Eightfold Path focused on the belief that our intentions drive our actions.

With this book as your guide, you'll learn how to move past negative thoughts or ill will toward others and instead focus on altruism, purpose, and self-actualization-qualities needed to help you live a truly happy life.