Book 3


by Stephen Platt

Published 1 April 2003
Aconcagua at nearly 7,000 metres is the highest mountain outside Asia From the south it is a hard, dangerous climb. From the north, given good weather, it is relatively easy. In my twenties I read a book about three Polish climbers who in 1934 made their own equipment and...Read more

Book 13


by Stephen Platt

Published 26 July 2017
India has an overwhelming impact: the colours, sounds and smells of Delhi, where we bought a silk carpet. The majestic Himalayas and our climbs through steep green valleys and raging torrents into the soaring snow-white mountains. We tell stories about the people we meet; the Sikh pilgrims on their...Read more

Book 14


by Stephen Platt

Published 7 August 2017
Australia is far-flung and until the airplane overcame the tyranny of distance Australia was terra incognita. Aboriginals of Australia are one of the oldest living peoples of the world having occupied the same territory longer than any other human population, about 50,000 years. They believe their ancestors brought the...Read more

Book 17


by Stephen Platt

Published 12 October 2017
This is an account of a trip with Emily So of Cambridge University in 2006 to the areas affected by the Pakistan earthquake of 8 October 2005. The aim of for Emily was to conduct a survey of survivors of the earthquake about their injuries as part of her...Read more

Book 19


by Stephen Platt

Published 6 January 2018
An account of a trip to Thailand to test using satellite imagery to monitor long-term disaster recovery. We had two or three days in the hot and steamy concrete jungle of Bangkok and then spent a week in Ban Nam Khem, a fishing village on the west coast, that...Read more

Book 20


by Stephen Platt

Published 9 March 2018
I first met Maria Ximena when she talked about Cazuca, a barrio to the south west of Bogota and I visited Colombia three times. Working with young architects from the Universidad Piloto and a Women's Foundation we devised plans to improve the neighbourhood. I also describe visits to Cartagena,...Read more