If you think that 1 and 2 Corinthians are somebody else's mail, then you need to think again. Paul wrote them for you and he wrote them for me. Right from the outset, his goal was far bigger than the city walls of Corinth. He copied them to "all the saints throughout Achaia" and to "all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." They are God's message to believers in any local church in any place at any time. They describe the kind of church God can use.

God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore's devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.

God turns scrap metal into gold. He changed the Apostle Paul and he changed the many thousands who sat in on Paul's teaching. By God's grace, the lessons in Paul's discipleship training school became part of the New Testament. These five letters show us how God takes ordinary people from the scrapheap and turns the base metal of their lives into purest gold.

God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore's devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.

Jeremiah and Ezekiel are among the most neglected treasures of the Bible.

They knew that what they said would be unpopular - both then and now - but they also knew that it was God's Word and the only remedy for the problems that were facing the people of God. As a result, Christians today can still discover what God says to a Church in trouble. The truth isn't always popular, but Jeremiah and Ezekiel show us that it's glorious.

God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore’s devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.

1 and 2 Chronicles are the final books of the Hebrew Old Testament. They are more than mere history. They are a God-inspired sermon which explains what God has done, what God is doing and what God is planning to do. They reveal the secrets of spiritual revival in every generation and they fix our eyes on the Messiah. Written centuries before his coming, these two books proclaim a timeless message of hope to the world. It's all about Jesus, the true Son of David, who is the only true Saviour of the world.

After a long and painful wait for the Jewish exiles, Ezra and Nehemiah lead their people back to the Promised Land. Despite hardships and setbacks, they would rebuild their nation in time for the arrival of its Messiah. Whenever we are tempted to doubt the promises of God these books remind us that that God is a promise-keeper that is able to redeem any situation. 

God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore’s devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.

When the Jews were carried off into exile in Babylon, most people assumed that it was the end of the story. In reality, God was just getting started. As senior figures in the Babylonian and Persian Empires, Daniel and Esther would discover that there is no foreign ground for God. Their faithful obedience would, in fact, lead their oppressive captors to faith in the God of Israel.

God inspired the Bible for a reason. He wants you read it and let it change your life. If you are willing to take this challenge seriously, then you will love Phil Moore’s devotional commentaries. Their bite-sized chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship. Welcome to a new way of reading the Bible. Welcome to the Straight to the Heart series.