Rope of Sand

by C F Dunn

Published 18 April 2014
In the third instalment of The Secret of the Journal series, Christmas approaches and the relationship between British historian, Emma D'Eresby and American surgeon, Matthew Lynes deepens as she readies herself to meet his family in rural Maine. But tensions are simmering beneath the surface. What does sinister Maggie have against her, and what might she be prepared to do to keep Matthew and Emma apart? Emma has discovered Matthew's origins, but that is only the beginning; in order to prepare for the future, she must also understand his past.

Mortal Fire

by C F Dunn

Published 18 May 2012
When Emma D'Eresby - a 29 year-old, self-contained Professor of History - leaves her Cambridge college for a post in an exclusive university in Maine, USA, she hopes to learn more about a curious 17th-century journal in the College library. Instead, it leads her to a secret that should never have been uncovered. In the States, Emma meets the enigmatic 33-year-old surgeon, Matthew Lynes, a quiet and thoughtful widower. Driven to learn more about him, Emma takes the unique journal from the College library in which she believes there are clues to his family's English past. Meanwhile, the sinister Professor Koort Staahl mounts a psychotic attack on her. Matthew's courageous intervention saves her, but as he nurses her back to health, his unusual attributes raise questions he is unwilling to answer. As Part One ends, she returns to her claustrophobic family, avoiding her domineering father and wrestling with despair. 17th-century journal in the College library. Instead, it leads her to a secret that should never have been uncovered.

Fearful Symmetry

by C F Dunn

Published 16 September 2016
'Run, Rosie, run!' I cried, gasping for breath, as my daughter spun around and dashed towards the steps. From the perimeter fence behind us, strong, thin beams of light jerked wildly as black-coated figures climbed over and advanced at a steady run, spreading out like spiders on a web.' How can Emma and Matthew escape when the past is only one step behind them and the enemy unknown? When history catches up and past and present collide, where will there be left to hide in the future Fearful Symmetry is the thrilling conclusion to The Secret of the Journal series.

Realm of Darkness

by C F Dunn

Published 18 March 2016
‘"What’s it worth, Emma? What are you willing to give in exchange?"
He brought the journal within tantalising reach and, with each breath, I inhaled its age like incense, its secrets bitter-sweet and lethal.’

In the fourth book of The Secret Of The Journal series, historian Emma D’Eresby has done everything she can to put the past behind her. Now she has every reason to look forward to a future with Dr. Matthew Lynes and his family in the beautiful state of Maine. But, in making peace with her past, she has to face uncomfortable truths in the present. As a shadow from her undergraduate days in Cambridge threatens her happiness, history catches up with terrifying results.

'Captivating and compelling.' Liz Fenwick, the author of The Cornish House

'An ancient secret and an eternal love are intelligently woven through this addictive series.' Fiona Veitch Smith, the author of The Jazz Files.

Death Be Not Proud

by C F Dunn

Published 19 April 2013
‘"It would be so easy just to stay there, submerged and warm where the world couldn’t touch me and I would’t have to face tomorrow, or the next day, or the next. So easy. To let go. Painless. Quick."‘

Following the vicious attack that nearly killed her and reeling from the discovery that mysterious Matthew Lynes – the man with whom she has inadvertently and irresistibly fallen in love – is lying, historian, Emma D’Eresby flees the college in Maine for her ancient home town in England. With her she carries a precious Seventeenth-century journal and the secrets bound within its pages. Once home, she comes to terms with a shattering revelation, and, just when she thinks she has the answers, faces a future where past and present collide.

Set in England and in Maine, USA and steeped in history and atmosphere, Death Be Not Proud – the second book of The Secret Of The Journal series – continues the romantic mystery begun in Mortal Fire as Emma and Matthew reveal the turbulent truth of his past.

‘Dunn vividly evokes a range of characters and the tense and tender relationships between them.’ Fay Sampson, award-winning author, The Hunted Hare.