Book 1

Archie Green receives a mysterious present on his birthday. Deep within an ancient wooden box he finds an old book, written in a language he doesn't recognise. With the book comes a Special Instruction - Archie must travel to Oxford to return the book to the Museum of Magical Miscellany.

Soon Archie will meet family that he never knew he had, and discover the world of the Flame Keepers - a community devoted to finding and preserving magical books.

But the magical book under Archie's protection is dangerous, and dark spirits hunt it out. With the help of his cousins, Archie must do everything he can to uncover the book's hidden powers and save the Flame Keepers from evil.

Welcome to a wonderful, magical world where bookshelves are enchanted, librarians are sorcerers and spells come to life.

Book 2

Archie's cousin, Thistle, is about to start his apprenticeship at the Museum of Magical Miscellany. But when it comes to his initiation, the firemark that burns into Thistle's hand is a strange one, and Archie and Bramble are given it too.

The Golden Circle is the mark of an ancient alchemist's club and when Archie and his cousins learn about a curse that threatens their beloved museum, they have no choice but to start their own alchemist's club, and face the darkest kind of magic.

The fantastic conclusion to the magical Archie Greene series - with plenty of last twists in store

Inside the Scriptorium in the Museum of Magical Miscellany, a black flame flickered across an open page. The letters of the spell twisted and distorted in the dark fire until there was nothing left but cinders.

Archie and the Alchemist's Club have been rewriting the magical spells contained within books, but someone is drawing on their power for evil purposes. The museum Elders confirm that their worst fears have come true - the Dark Flame is rising, and they can only stop it by uncovering Fabian Grey's prophecy. Archie vows to help - but is he more closer to the prophecy than he knows? And who is behind the mysterious notes for him, labelled F. G, and with the sign of a raven? With traitors at the museum, and dark magic on the rise, it will be up to Archie to uncover his destiny, protect his friends, and save magic as he knows it.