Ultimate Cover Letters

by Martin John Yate

Published 3 August 2003
Does your cover letter have the X factor? How can you make sure that it communicates what employers really want? Ultimate Cover Letters, from best-selling author and careers expert Martin John Yate, describes how to write the very best cover letters, helping you to open doors to job interviews and offers of employment, and outshine all other candidates. From the very popular Ultimate series, the book offers sound advice on assembling letters and how to use key 'power phrases' to get results, as well as over 100 sample letters to cover a variety of situations. These include e-mail responses to online applications, speculative letters, letters to answer advertised vacancies, follow-up letters, networking letters and even acceptance and resignation letters.

Now including a chapter on how to develop your professional image and integrate it into your job search letter, Ultimate Cover Letters 5th edition covers all aspects of this crucial part of the job-hunting process in an engaging and approachable way, ensuring you put every chance of success by your side. Ultimate Cover Letters will help you make the perfect first impression.

About the Ultimate series...
The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job search skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you all the way from starting your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or résumé and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and other employment tests, and reliable advice for interviewing.

Ultimate CV

by Martin John Yate

Published 29 October 2002
With the current job market overcome with competition, it can feel daunting and inadequate to reduce your whole career experience and ambitions to a single document for Human Resources representatives to review. Ultimate CV, now in its fourth edition and part of the successful Ultimate series, provides you with the key guidance you need to create an irresistible CV that will grab the recruiter's attention, help you to stand out from other candidates, opening doors to job interviews and maximising the potential for offers of employment. Covering all aspects of this crucial part of the job-hunting process, and with hundreds of sample CVs tailored to specific jobs and industry specifications, careers and CV guru Martin John Yate shows you how to position plain facts into a powerful sales pitch that will get you the job you want. With advice on hunting for jobs, this indispensable book will give you all the guidance you need to create a distinctive, professional CV that will help you get that dream job you have been going after.