
by Gilles Neret

Published December 1994
This introduction to the life and work of Matisse covers every aspect of his career, from the scandal of the Fauves to his travels in the East. It closes with the old man, confined to his bed, crowning his life's search with one final triumphant discovery - how to carve the form of colour, as a sculptor carves stone. A prominent aspect of the text is its visual insistence on the multiplicity in Matisse's work, showing how he turned the whole of modern art on its head. Each of the reproductions has been carefully worked and refined in collaboration with the artist's grandson, Claude Duthuit, in order to guarantee the greatest possible fidelity to the original.

Erotic Art

by Angelika Muthesius and Gilles Neret

Published December 1994
A fine art hardcover from Taschen that focuses on the naughty habits!