Book 283

Un Novio Italiano

by Jane Porter

Published 1 December 2001

Book 371

Todos Los Dias de Mi Vida

by Jane Porter

Published 1 October 2003

Book 483

Salvada Por El Jeque

by Jane Porter

Published 31 January 2006

Book 494

Como Un Volcan

by Jane Porter

Published 25 April 2006

Book 553

Bajo Su Poder

by Jane Porter

Published 1 August 2007

Book 699

El Deber de Un Jeque

by Jane Porter

Published 11 May 2010

Book 854

Secreto Siciliano

by Jane Porter

Published 10 July 2012
She can run ... Lethally attractive Vittorio d'Severano was everything Jillian Smith wanted--until she discovered his secret life, and her dreams of a happy-ever-after crumbled into dust ... Brokenhearted and terrified, Jill disappeared. But she can't hide! Now Vitt has returned--to claim the tiny son Jill has sworn to keep from him! But to stay with her child, she must put Vitt's ring on her finger. Yet what kind of relationship can they have when it's based on secrets and a heat impossible to resist?

Book 982

Book 1249

Una Isla Para So�ar

by Jane Porter

Published 2 January 2018
"Cuando a Georgia Nielsen le ofrecieron contratarla de madre de alquiler para un enigmático hombre de negocios, no pudo permitirse decir que no. Pero antes de darse cuenta de que había hecho un pacto con el diablo se vio atrapada en una remota y aislada isla griega, sin posibilidad de escape, acechada por el inquietante amo de sus costas.Marcado por la trágica pérdida de su esposa, la única esperanza de futuro de Nikos Panos residía en tener un heredero. Pero la constante presencia de Georgia amenazaba con desatar el deseo que mantenía encerrado con llave en su interior desde hacía demasiado tiempo. Si quería que Georgia se rindiera a él, no iba a quedarle más remedio que enfrentarse a los demonios que lo perseguían..." -- page [4] of cover.

Summary from English version: Held captive ... When Georgia Nielsen is asked to be surrogate for an enigmatic tycoon she can't afford to say no. Before she realizes that she's struck a deal with the devil she's trapped on his isolated Greek island, with no escape from the brooding master who stalks its shores! Carrying his child! Scarred by the loss of his wife, Nikos Panos's future rests on leaving behind a legacy. But Georgia's constant presence threatens to unleash the powerful hunger he's kept caged for so long. If he wants defiant Georgia to submit he must confront the demons that haunt him ...

Book 1287

Padre Por Contrato

by Jane Porter

Published 7 August 2018