Book 21

Nervous Water

by William G. Tapply

Published 1 September 2005

NO. 23 OF

One-Way Ticket

by William G. Tapply

Published 18 September 2007

NO. 15 OF

Cutter's Run

by William G. Tapply

Published 15 June 1998

Muscle Memory

by William G. Tapply

Published 1 July 1999

NO. 17 OF

Scar Tissue

by William G. Tapply

Published 1 October 2000

NO. 18 OF

Past Tense

by William G. Tapply

Published 1 October 2001

NO. 20 OF

Shadow of Death

by William G. Tapply

Published 17 November 2003
Suspicious that his candidate's husband might be having an affair, the campaign manager convinces Boston attorney Brady Coyne to hire a discreet private investigator to find out what is really going on before the campaign itself is derailed. Brady is normally reluctant to get involved in this kind of domestic situation but the candidate is an old friend who has asked for his help personally. Hopeful that any odd turn of behavior will be easily explained away, Brady hires a former undercover cop turn P.I. to tail the possibly-errant husband.
What appeared to be a simple situation quickly turns deadly when Brady first gets a cryptic call from the P.I. and then the P.I. is found murdered in a car crash clearly staged to make it appear to be an accident. Since Brady is barred by attorney/client privilege from speaking to the police - and his client has refused to relinquish privilege to allow him to do so - he takes it upon himself to find out what has happened to the still missing husband and the people responsible for the murder of his colleague. From Boston's North End to the pastoral village of Southwick, New Hampshire, Brady's quest to uncover the truth leads him to face the deadly consequences of a decades-old tragedy.

NO. 22 OF

Out Cold

by William G. Tapply

Published 19 September 2006

19 OF 25

A Fine Line

by William G. Tapply

Published 14 November 2002
Walt Duffy spent his life traveling the world, documenting the beauty and wonder of nature through the lens of a camera. But there was nothing natural about the ugly way he died, his skull fractured by an unknown assailant, his broken body left sprawled right in his own backyard. The irony wasn't lost on Boston attorney Brady Coyne. He first met Duffy while handling his divorce a decade earlier, and their relationship evolved into a working friendship. He knew Duffy well, or so Brady thought. That belief is about to be put to the test when Coyne is brought in for questioning by both the local police and the FBI, who reveal Duffy's ties to a notorious ecoterrorist group that is currently setting fires to homes and offices around the Boston area. And when Brady begins to get mysterious calls in the middle of the night, warning of the next fire to be set, he knows that he has become an unwilling pawn in a chess game with the deadliest of consequences.

Outwitting Trolls

by William G. Tapply

Published 9 November 2010
Brady Coyne is a Boston attorney who focuses on a few private clients and the legal drudgery of their everyday life, which leads to a generally unexciting life. Brady, however, gets a call from an old friend and former neighbor--a man from his past as a happily married man. When Brady was married and living in suburbia, Ken Nichols was his happily married neighbor. Both marriages fell apart years ago and Brady moved to Boston while Ken Nichols moved to Baltimore. Now a decade later and in Boston for a conference, Ken contacts Brady for a get-together and a drink. It's an uneventful evening but the next day Brady gets a call from Nichols' ex-wife. She's standing in her ex's hotel room, Nichols is lying dead on the floor of his room and she needs Brady's help.

But this savage murder is only the first and Brady is soon trying to find the connection between these long ago friends and the savage murders dogging their family.

Hell Bent

by William G. Tapply

Published 30 September 2008