Book 1

Welcome to Tilly Bagshawe's Swell Valley, where the scandal is in a class of its own.

Tilly Bagshawe's first Swell Valley novel, The Inheritance, has been serialized into 4 parts - this is PART 1 OF 4 (Chapters 16 to 24 of 34).

*The first three parts of The Inheritance are being released weekly from 29th May 2014, before the full novel is published. The final part will be released on 19th June 2014, when the full novel will also be available to buy in ebook and paperback*

Tatiana Flint-Hamilton's gilded cage is torn away when her estranged father dies. As the beloved family estate slips through Tati's fingers, the portraits of her ancestors look down disapprovingly.

The new Lord of the Manor is just as ruthless as Tati. The old-world status of Furlings is everything the wealthy, self-made Brett Cranley has ever wanted. Luckily his wife Angela is the perfect homemaker, happy to fall into line with whatever Brett desires. Along with her two children, Furlings soon becomes Angela's lifeline, a place she can finally belong. And one she's not going to give up easily.

Losing everything has made Tati realise that her rightful inheritance is all that she now lives for... and she will do anything to get it back.

But the fate of Furlings lies in the hands of the villagers.

Let the Fittlescombe fireworks begin!

Book 2

The Show

by Tilly Bagshawe

Published 21 May 2015

Welcome to Swell Valley – where the scandal is in a class of its own…

The second book in the Swell Valley series by bestselling author Tilly Bagshawe

Nestled in a glorious patchwork of fields, surrounded by chocolate box villages, Wraggbottom farm means everything to Gabe and Laura Baxter. But love and tradition doesn’t pay the bills. Luckily, Laura has an idea that will share the secret of her happy (if sometimes muddy) country life: producing a reality show that will save the farm!

Until the interfering new vicar, ‘Call-me-Bill’ takes it upon himself to lead a protest against the show. Suddenly the village is divided; even Gabe is torn between his new found fame and his old, happy life.

With so much at stake for her village and her marriage, will Laura be able to weather the storm or will her big idea turn out to be her biggest mistake?

Book 3

The Bachelor

by Tilly Bagshawe

Published 16 June 2016

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that
a single man in possession of a good fortune
must be in want of… anything but a wife?

The third book in the Swell Valley series by bestselling author Tilly Bagshawe

Henry Saxton-Brae has it all – a titled, self-made millionaire,
his fiancée just happens to be a supermodel who is as kind and loyal as she is ravishingly beautiful. To top it all, he’s just bought Hanborough Castle, the jewel in the crown of the Swell Valley.

Life couldn’t be better… for someone who was ready to settle
down. Could he really be the only man in the world not in love
with his future wife?

Flora Fitzwilliam has been summoned by legendary
designer Graydon James to restore Hanborough to its former
glory. She soon discovers that it’s not just the house that
needs fixing, and Flora seems to be the only person who sees
the real Henry Saxton-Brae.

Between her boss’s waning talents and Henry’s roving eye,
Flora is being torn apart. Can she pull off the job, and make
Henry see that his bachelor days are behind him?

Not since Rupert Campbell-Black has there been such a devastatingly sexy man in jodhpurs!