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Introduction to Islamic Banking and Finance is a succinct guide to the key characteristics of Islamic banking highlighting how these differ from conventional banking. This detailed book illustrates how Islamic banking is consistent with the Sharia'a, a key element of which is the prohibition on collecting and paying interest. This central religious precept appears to rule out most aspects of modern finance but it does allow money to be used for trading tangible assets and business, which can then generate a profit. Brian Kettell's book looks at all aspects of Islamic banking, including chapters on its creation and evolution through to detailed discussions of the issues involved in the Sharia'a contracts of Murabaha, Mudaraba, Musharaka, Ijara, Istisna'a, and Salam. Islamic insurance (Takaful) is also covered. Finally the book takes a look at Sharia'a law and Sharia'a boards, indicating the roles and responsibilities that come with membership.

Islamic banks have been operating in places such as Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Dubai for some time. Conventional bankers have traditionally viewed the sector as a small, exotic niche but recent years have seen a dramatic surge in popularity. A number of Western investment banks have started working with Muslim clerics to create new ranges of financial products designed for devout Muslims, a large and growing market. Although estimates of the size of the Islamic finance industry vary greatly, everyone agrees that it is expanding rapidly and this is the perfect book for anyone looking to understand the industry.

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The ongoing turbulence in the global financial markets has drawn attention to an alternative system of financial intermediation: Islamic banking and finance. This is now one of the fastest growing sectors within the market place and has, so far, remained on the sidelines of this unrest. Since the inception of Islamic banking thirty years ago the number and reach of Islamic financial institutions worldwide has risen significantly. Institutions offering Islamic financial services constitute a significant and growing share of the financial system in several countries, and market participants everywhere are joining the race to study and be a part of this emerging financial system.

The Islamic Banking and Finance Workbook is a one-of-a-kind workbook on the topic, enabling readers to test their understanding of Islamic banking and finance concepts. Although suitable as a standalone learning tool, the book is designed to test the information covered in the companion book, Introduction to Islamic Finance and Banking, and covers the fundamentals of Sharia'a law, the Islamic contracts interpretations and definitions, Murabaha, Mudaraba, Musharaka, Istisna'a, Salam and Ijara modes of finance, Takaful and much more. Emphasis is placed on mini case studies, multiple choice questions and tests of the basic concepts. It also includes a full answer key and brief chapter summaries, as well as learning objectives.

The Islamic Banking and Finance Workbook is an essential learning tool for students and practitioners who want to test their knowledge of the rapidly growing world of Islamic banking and finance.

In Frequently Asked Questions in Islamic Finance, industryexpert Brian Kettell answers some of the most frequently askedquestions from his many years experience in working and teaching inIslamic finance and banking. From knowledge of the Qu'ran andSharia'a Law, to new and old Islamic financial concepts, Islamicterms, and Islamic financial instruments and services, this bookcovers all the key areas that practitioners need to Islamicfinance. The book addresses individual questions such as what is Takaful? , and provide answers with a clearoverview of the product or service, and an example, or illustrationwhere appropriate, of how they work in practice. The book alsofeatures a question and answer section for readers to test andbuild their knowledge of the area. Light, entertaining and varied in its approach, FrequentlyAsked Questions in Islamic Finance will prove popular forexperienced practioners and novices alike.

The recent turbulence in the global financial markets has drawnattention to an alternative system of financial intermediation:Islamic banking and finance, which has so far remained on thesidelines of the unrest. Islamic Finance in a Nutshell is a quick and easy guide tounderstanding the fundamentals of Islamic Finance and how theIslamic Financial markets work. Designed as a quick read forpractitioners needing to pick up the basics of the industry, itwill enable readers to understand the differences Islamic andWestern finance. Starting with the rise of Islamic finance, the book highlightsthe key areas which practitioners need to grasp to understand themarketplace including financial statement analysis,Sharia a law, making money in the absence of interest andregulation. The book also provides readers with a basic guideto Arab terminology and a guide to the top financial institutionswithin the Islamic markets. This is an ideal guide for anyone with an interest in how thesefinancial markets work, but who do not want to be bogged down incomplex and unnecessary terminology.