States of Grace

by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Published 1 September 2005
Writer Erneste van Amsteljaxter, whose goodness inspires Santo-Germano, is threatened with the Inquisition. Pier-Ariana Salier, a musician who has been Santo-Germano's lover, loses her home and livelihood to an unscrupulous spymaster. Santo-Germano wishes to save and provide for both, but someone has embezzled much of his fortune and he...Read more

Borne in Blood

by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Published 10 December 2007
"Borne in Blood" is the landmark twentieth volume of the Saint-Germain cycle. Historically accurate, these deeply emotional novels have a devoted readership. The year is 1817. In Switzerland, the Count has become intrigued by the work of an Austrian noble who is investigating the properties of blood, a subject...Read more

Night Blooming

by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Published 22 October 2002
Rakoczy de Santus Germanius is ordered by the Frankish conqueror Karl-lo-Magne to lead a suspected heretic before a Papal inquisition. A beautiful albino afflicted with stigmata, Gynethe Mehaut, like the cursed vampire, cannot tolerate sunlight and will be condemned as a demon.

A Feast in Exile

by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Published 22 August 2001
A Feast in Exile, the latest Saint-Germain novel, is a sexy, sensual, thrilling exploration of a bloody period in Indian history. In the fourteenth century, the Count is captured by the Mongol conqueror Timur-I and his vampiric nature is partially revealed. Saint-Germain is in great danger despite his alliance...Read more

Burning Shadows

by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Published 8 December 2009
Two decades strong, the Saint-Germain cycle is one of the most compelling works of dark fantasy and horror of our age. Historically accurate, these deeply emotional novels have a devoted readership. In "Burning Shadows", Yarbro looks at the legendary Huns from the perspective of the people who faced the...Read more

In the Face of Death

by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Published 28 March 2001
Madeline de Montalia, the perpetually youthful and beautiful vampire, once beloved of the Count Saint-Germain, comes to America in the 1840's to live with and study the native tribes of America, desiring to document their culture and knowledge before these are changed forever and unalterably by contact with the...Read more

A Dangerous Climate

by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Published 30 September 2008
The vampire Count Saint-Germain, disguised as a missing Hungarian nobleman, is on a spy mission in the heart of Czarist Russia. Almost by the power of his will alone, it seems, Peter the Great is wrestling the city that will one day be St. Petersburg out of swampland.Representatives of...Read more