Sphere Packings

by Chuanming Zong

Published 19 August 1999
Sphere packings is one of the most fascinating and challenging subjects in mathematics. In the course of centuries, many exciting results have been obtained, ingenious methods created, related challenging problems proposed, and many surprising connections with other subjects found. This book gives a full account of this fascinating subject, especially its local aspects, discrete aspects, and its proof methods. The book includes both classical and contemporary results and provides a full treatment of the subject.

Convex and discrete geometry is one of the most intuitive subjects in mathematics. One can explain many of its problems, even the most difficult - such as the sphere-packing problem (what is the densest possible arrangement of spheres in an n-dimensional space?) and the Borsuk problem (is it possible to partition any bounded set in an n-dimensional space into n+1 subsets, each of which is strictly smaller in "extent" than the full set?) - in terms that a layman can understand; and one can reasonably make conjectures about their solutions with little training in mathematics.