Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing
2 primary works
Book 24
* New approaches to parallel computing are being developed that make better use of the heterogeneous cluster architecture* Provides a detailed introduction to parallel computing on heterogenous clusters* All concepts and algorithms are illustrated with working programs that can be compiled and executed on any cluster* The algorithms discussed have practical applications in a range of real-life parallel computing problems, such as the N-body problem, portfolio management, and the modeling of oil extraction
Book 78
High Performance Heterogeneous Computing
by Jack Dongarra and Alexey L. Lastovetsky
Published 1 January 2009
An analytical overview of the state of the art, open problems, and future trends in heterogeneous parallel and distributed computing This book provides an overview of the ongoing academic research, development, and uses of heterogeneous parallel and distributed computing in the context of scientific computing. Presenting the state of the art in this challenging and rapidly evolving area, the book is organized in five distinct parts: Heterogeneous Platforms: Taxonomy, Typical Uses, and Programming Issues Performance Models of Heterogeneous Platforms and Design of'Heterogeneous Algorithms Performance: Implementation and Software Applications Future Trends High Performance Heterogeneous Computing is a valuable'reference for researchers and practitioners in the area of high performance heterogeneous computing. It also serves as an excellent supplemental text for graduate and postgraduate courses in related areas.