A rich source of embroidery stitches, techniques and projects from the Royal School of Needlework.

Review from Mary Corbet's Needle 'n' Thread:
In a nutshell: The RSN Book of Embroidery is an extensive, multi-technique-encompassing reference book that would make a good addition to any needleworker's bookshelf. If you've wanted the content of the Essential Stitch Guides but were hesitant to collect each individual book, now you can have them all in one more affordable package - and that's pretty neat!

New from the world-renowned Royal School of Needlework, this beautiful book is a rich source of embroidery techniques, stitches and projects, covering eight key subjects in detail: crewelwork, bead embroidery, stumpwork, canvaswork, goldwork, whitework, blackwork and silk shading. Containing all the trusted, bestselling content from the RSN Essential Stitch Guide series, plus a new section on mounting your finished work, this fantastic book is a must-have for all embroiderers. Fully redesigned and integrated, the original eight titles have been given a new lease of life in this larger format.