Book 1

Royal Exile

by Fiona McIntosh

Published 1 October 2008

The first instalment of a thrilling new epic fantasy trilogy from the rising star of the genre.

From out of the East they spread like a merciless plague - destroying kingdom after kingdom and the sovereigns who had previously mocked the warlord Loethar and his barbarian horde. Now only one land remains unconquered - the largest, richest, and most powerful realm of the Denova Set...


The Valisar royals of Penraven face certain death, for the savage tyrant Loethar covets what they alone possess: the fabled Valisar Enchantment, an irresistible power to coerce, which will belong to Loethar once every Valisar has been slain. But the last hope of the besieged kingdom is being sent in secret from his doomed home, in the company of a single warrior. The future of Penraven now rests on the shoulders of the young Crown Prince Leonel who, though untried and untested in the ways of war, must survive brutality and treachery in order to claim the Valisar throne.

Book 2

Tyrant's Blood

by Fiona McIntosh

Published 3 September 2009

The second instalment of Fiona McIntosh's gripping epic fantasy, set in a world torn by revenge, love and ancient magic.

Ten years have passed since Loethar, the barbarian warlord from the Likurian steppes, devoured the Devona Set with his army of mercenaries, decimating their ruling families and settling in their primary kingdom of Penraven. Believing the Valisar heirs of Penraven to be dead, he has styled himself as emperor and continues his efforts to integrate his people into the native population.

But abandoning his more violent methods of persuasion hasn't quelled the undercurrent of rebellion; for the Valisar heirs do live. Hidden from the barbarian's wrath by loyal allies who risk everything for the future of their kingdom, they are bound to return and seek a tyrant's blood for the havoc he has wreaked.

Book 3

King's Wrath

by Fiona McIntosh

Published 1 September 2010

The third, and last, instalment of Fiona McIntosh's gripping epic fantasy, set in a world torn by revenge, love and ancient magic.

Loethar the Tyrant has established himself as the King of the Devona Set. No longer seen as a tyrant, his reforms and peace-making efforts have won over a section of society, especially since over the last 15 years, his people from the steppes have migrated and integrated into the Devona kingdoms.

Loethar no longer believes Prince Leo, the rightful heir to the throne, to be dead and hunts him and his outlaw allies; but another heir also exists - one the usurper should fear more than a prince on the run... and she has possession of the ancient Valisar enchantment.

Having learnt the truth of her parentage, her world and her family's fate, she must decide whether to stay and face the King's wrath, or escape back into the world she has hidden within for so many years.