Book 1

Strange Things Await

by Jamila A Stone

Published 8 October 2019

At Virtus Academy, boarding school for the supernatural, the students are not your average teenagers.

From vampires, to witches, werewolves and werecats, the freakishly powerful youngsters studying at Virtus Academy must learn to navigate classes, social complications and crushes like any other high schooler...while also keeping the peace between themselves and multiple species that would ordinarily be their natural enemies off-campus!

It’s a recipe for disagreements and drama as is, but this year, Virtus Academy’s walls are going to be shaken like never before.

For a start, the Academy will have to contend with two violently feuding Sophomore witches, Natalie King and Alexandra Aurelius. Once the closest of friends, a tragic accident turned them into mortal enemies, and each has sworn to bring misfortune to the other in perpetuity.

To make matters worse, there’s also a monster on the loose...and it’s killing students.

As gossip and rumors start to fly, Nat and Alex find themselves the target of some malicious hearsay. As the danger grows, it seems there’s safety in numbers...

But can two sworn enemies rekindle their friendship in time to survive the onslaught of the coming year?

Or will their failure to unite result in the loss of another loved one?

Book 2

Darkness Awaits

by Jamila A Stone

Published 12 April 2021

Unexpected secrets stand to change two witches’ lives forever...

Having narrowly survived their last semester, Natalie King and Alexandra Aurelius are prepared to revel in victory...but junior year is promising to be anything but peaceful!

With her mother in prison, Alex struggles against enemy attacks from her own family. Finding solace in Nat’s support and the arms of her new girlfriend, Rachel, Alex pushes through the pain as best she can; but darkness is creeping in from every direction, and even the fiercest of friendships can fall victim to dark influences.

As the two witches cautiously navigate their renewed friendship and new relationships, shadowy souls push their way into Nat and Alex’s lives. Now, more than ever, the witches must stick together and protect their loved ones.

But as human and supernatural government relations are stretched to breaking point, a very personal bombshell is about to shatter Alex’s world forever.

Can she rely on Nat to see her through again?

Or will even their united powers prove too weak for the forces that are determined to destroy them?

In the much-anticipated sequel to Strange Things Await, Jamila A. Stone delivers devilish thrills and a dizzying spin on contemporary fantasy writing. One thing is clear: where mystic and mortal subcultures meld, the pages turn themselves.