The "Osho Life Essentials" series focuses on the most important questions in the life of the individual. Each volume contains timeless and always-contemporary investigations and discussions into questions vital to our personal search for meaning and purpose. Forty years after the rebellions of the 1960s a new generation is again in the streets to challenge and to rebel against outdated structures and values, focusing political and economic systems and their failings. But this generation has the opportunity and responsibility to move the development of human freedom to the next level. "Living on Your Own Terms" will support this new generation and is by far more radical and revolutionary than anything this planet has ever seen.

Destiny, Freedom, and the Soul

by Osho

Published 13 April 2010
"I myself am a question. I know not who I am. What to do? Where to go?"--Osho" The Osho Life Essentials series focuses on the most important questions in the life of the individual. Each volume contains timeless and always-contemporary investigations and discussions into questions vital to our personal search for meaning and purpose, focusing on questions specific to our inner life and quality of existence.The first title in this dynamic and exciting new series, "Destiny, Freedom, and the Soul: What Is the Meaning of Life?" explores deeply human questions, such as: Is there really such a thing as "soul," and if so, what is it? Where does the concept of karma fit in? Does my life have a special meaning or purpose?"Destiny, Freedom, and the Soul" includes an original talk by Osho on DVD. This visual component enables the reader to experience the direct wisdom and humor of Osho straight from the source.

Moral, Immoral, Amoral

by Osho

Published 12 March 2013
The "Osho Life Essentials" series focuses on the most important questions in the life of the individual. Each volume contains timeless and always-contemporary investigations and discussions into questions vital to our personal search for meaning and purpose. In a global world, we are in search of universal values - values based on a contemporary understanding that unifies us as human beings beyond the divisions of religions, nations, and race. In "Moral, Immoral, Amoral", Osho speaks directly to this contemporary search as he introduces us to a quest for values that make sense in the world we live in - a quest that goes far beyond moral codes of behavior and comes from an inner connectivity and oneness with existence.

Mindfulness in the Modern World

by Osho

Published 8 April 2014
In Mindfulness in the Modern World, Osho helps us explore both the inner and the outer obstacles that prevent us from bringing more awareness to all our daily activities. He emphasizes that while techniques can be useful in pointing the way, in themselves they are not meditation. Rather, meditation - or mindfulness - is ultimately a state of being in which we are capable of both action and stillness, work and play, and able to be fully present to each moment of life as it comes. Osho's insights into the nature of the modern mind, with its tendency to judge and compare, provides a helpful entry point for longtime meditators as well as beginners. Mindfulness in the Modern World covers a wide range of topics, including five experiential techniques that will help you bring awareness to your everyday life.

Power, Politics, and Change

by Osho

Published 12 April 2011
Osho takes on the conventional wisdom that 'power corrupts' and proposes instead that those who seek power are already corrupt: once they attain their goal, their corruption simply has the opportunity to express itself. That's why even those who seek power in order to bring about radical change so often fail, despite their best intentions. Osho looks at where this 'will to power' comes from, how it expresses itself not only in political institutions, but in our everyday relationships.

Fame, Fortune, and Ambition

by Osho

Published 13 April 2010
"Fame, Fortune, and Ambition: What Is The Value in Striving for Worldly Success?" examines the outward symptoms and the underlying psychology of preoccupations with money and celebrity, with a perspective that is thought-provoking and often surprising - and particularly relevant to our troubled economic times: Why do celebrities and the wealthy seem to have so much influence in the world? Do values like competitiveness and ambition have a place in bringing innovation and positive change? Where does greed come from? Is it really true that money can't buy happiness?

Innocence, Knowledge and Wonder

by Osho

Published 10 May 2011
"Innocence, Knowledge and Wonder" looks to each person's last state of innocence - childhood - to recover the capacity to approach life with a sense of wonder and spontaneous joy, rather than with the cynicism and sense of hopelessness that afflict so many adults. Every religion contains the idea of returning to paradise, to the simplicity we once knew.

Belief, Doubt and Fanaticism

by Osho

Published 24 April 2012
In "Belief, Doubt, and Fanaticism", Osho brings his unique and often surprising perspective to the religious, political, social and economic forces that drive people into opposing camps, fanatical groups, and belief systems that depend on seeing every "other" as the "enemy." As always, the focus is first and foremost on the individual psyche and consciousness, to identify the root causes and hidden demons of our human need to belong and have something to "believe in."

The Power of Love

by Osho

Published 19 July 2016