Book 1

Miss Daisy Is Crazy!

by Dan Gutman

Published 29 June 2004
With more than 11 million books sold, the My Weird School series really gets kids reading! In the first My Weird School book ever, second-grade teacher Miss Daisy is in over her head. She doesn't even know how to add or subtract! But the kids have other things on...Read more

Book 1

Book 2

Mr. Klutz Is Nuts!

by Dan Gutman

Published 29 June 2004
With more than 11 million books sold, the My Weird School series really gets kids reading! In the second book of the original My Weird School series, Principal Klutz goes nuts! He wants to climb to the top of the Ella Mentry School flagpole. He even kissed a pig...Read more

Book 2

Book 3

Book 3

Mrs. Roopy Is Loopy!

by Dan Gutman

Published 1 September 2004
A.J. and his classmates are convinced that new school librarian, Mrs. Roopy, has multiple personality disorder because she keeps pretending to be famous people.

Book 4

Mr. Burke Is Berserk!

by Dan Gutman

Published 4 November 2008
My Weirder School weirder than ever! Mr. Burke cuts the grass, trims the bushes, and does the landscaping around Ella Mentry School. He wants to have a corn maze on the baseball diamond and drag races with his riding mower. What's up with the crop circles in the soccer...Read more

Book 4

With more than 11 million books sold, the My Weird School series really gets kids reading! In the fourth book of the original My Weird School series, art teacher Ms. Hannah shows A.J. and the gang that art is everywhere! She wears dresses made out of potholders and collects...Read more

Book 5

Miss Small Is Off the Wall!

by Dan Gutman

Published 1 January 2005
A.J. and the other second graders do everything except play sports when they go to "fizz ed" class with their new teacher, Miss Small.

Book 5

Book 6

Mr. Hynde Is Out of His Mind!

by Dan Gutman

Published 29 March 2005
Something weird is going on! Music class is awesome! The teacher, Mr. Hynde, raps, break-dances, and plays bongo drums on the principal's bald head. But he goes too far when he tries to make A.J. kiss Andrea in the school play. Yuck! Will A.J. survive?

Book 6

Book 7

Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad!

by Dan Gutman

Published 20 October 2009
Ella Mentry School counselor Dr. Brad believes wisecracking A.J. may be a genius and subjects him to some very weird tests to find out for sure.

Book 7

Mrs. Cooney Is Loony!

by Dan Gutman

Published 31 May 2005
Something weird is going on! Mrs. Cooney, the school nurse, is a knockout-and A.J. has a crush on her! But are her charms just a cover for her secret identity as an international spy? Will A.J.'s love for Mrs. Cooney win out over his love for the good old...Read more

Book 8

Ms. LaGrange Is Strange!

by Dan Gutman

Published 1 September 2005
The new lunch lady at Ella Mentry School, Ms. LaGrange, writes secret messages in the mashed potatoes and tries her best to get A.J. and the other students to eat healthy foods.

Book 8

Book 9

Miss Lazar Is Bizarre!

by Dan Gutman

Published 1 January 2005
A.J. and his friends find out what amazing things Miss Lazar, the Super Custodian at their school, can do.

Book 9

Book 10

Mr. Docker Is off His Rocker!

by Dan Gutman

Published 1 January 2006
Mr. Docker, a new science teacher, is a crazy inventor who blows things up, uses potatoes for power, and has A.J. and his friends wondering whether science is for nerds or is the coolest subject ever.

Book 10