Book 1

Valentín Perestrelo recounts how he and his family wake up as a different sort of vampire after dying in a car accident and hide in a Portuguese village until his uncle sells the house and Milhombres, the vampire hunter, comes looking for them.

Las graciosas historias de la familia Perestrelo y las aventuras del joven Valentín, quienes mueren en un día especial y se convierten en vampiros que el profesor Milhombres quiere cazar. Libro #1

Book 2

Valentín comienza a escribir su diario y se enamora de otra chica. Milhombres sigue persiguiendo a los vampiros. Los Perestrelo reciben un paquete sin remitente. Libro #2

Valentín Perestrelo and his family, having become vampires, return to Porto and try to get on with their un-lives, but while his ex-girlfriend will not have anything to do with him, Milhombres, the vampire hunter, knows they are back in town.

Book 3

Book 4

Valentín Perestrelo, now Meneses since his vampire family has new identities, makes a friend, while his sister follows a cat and learns more about the former owner of their new home and Milhombres, the vampire hunter, continues to pursue them.

Milhombres se propone cazar al gato-vampiro. Dientecilla investiga quién es el alma de la casa y Valentín aclara el misterio de Diana. Libro #4.

Book 5

La Sombra del Cazador

by Alvaro Magalhaes

Published 30 November 2013
Mientras Dientecilla investiga el misterio del almacén, Valentín busca a la chica de sus sueños, pero Milhombres quiere atraparlos disfrazado de mendigo, ¿logrará atrapar a la familia de vampiros? Libro #5.

Book 6

Valentín meets Alejo, a florist, and Psi, his paranormal dog, and asks for their help in getting to the World Beyond. Dientecilla discovers a secret elevator in the house that takes her to hidden floors. On one of them, she meets the spirit of her great-grandfather who tells her of a death star that returns every 30 million years and has the power to exterminate life on the planet.

Dientecilla encuentra la casa secreta de su bisabuelo mientras Valentín pide ayuda a Alejo el florista para encontrar a la chica que ama.

Book 7

Que Viene el Cometa Negro!

by Alvaro Magalhaes

Published 30 November 2013
The soul of the greatgrandfather was an electrical trick. And best of all the great grandfather is alive, in a no ordinary way. Meanwhile, Valentin fails in several attempts to enter the World Beyond, but in a stroke of luck, gets there right beside the dog Psi, which also left the here world.

Dientecilla descubre que el bisabuelo no está muerto. Este invita a cenar a toda la familia. Mientras tanto, Valentín logra llegar al Mundo de Allá con el perro Psi.

Book 8

El Mundo de Alla

by Alvaro Magalhaes

Published 30 November 2013
Valentín finally makes it into the World Beyond. There he reads aloud some mysterious words he sees on a building, and the crowd begins shouting that he is the chosen one. Meanwhile, Milhombres and Madroño break into the Perestrelo house and make for Dientecilla's room.

Valentín logra llegar al concierto del Mundo de Allá para buscar a Diana, pero en vez de encontrarla descubre una verdad sobre sí mismo y otra chica llamada Sofía lo ayuda a regresar, pasando por una caverna donde habita una serpiente.

Book 9

Operacion Espejo Mio

by Alvaro Magalhaes

Published 30 June 2014