The ghost of Sherlock Holmes is dead, but who will solve his murder?

The Great Detective's ghost has walked London's streets for an age, given shape by people's memories. Now someone's put a ceremonial dagger through his chest. But what's the motive? And who – or what – could...

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London Falling

by Paul Cornell

Published 13 September 2012

Undercover cops Costain and Sefton have worked hard over the last year to ensure that crime boss Rob Toshack gets put away. When the final arrest is made - they figure they're work is done. But when the prisoner dies right in front of them they realise that there's...

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The Severed Streets

by Paul Cornell

Published 27 March 2014

Summer in London: a city in turmoil. The vicious murder of a well-known MP is like a match to tinder but Detective Inspector James Quill and his team know that it's not a run-of-the-mill homicide. Still coming to terms with their new-found second sight, they soon discover that what...

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