Book 54

New Currents through John brings into focus the dramatic changes in method that have taken place in Johannine studies in the past fifty years. Written in light of John A. T. Robinson's analysis of the "New Look" in the Johannine scholarship of fifty years ago, each essay in this volume engages a current issue in contemporary research. Contributions from a diversity of voices and perspectives reflect the increasing globalization of theological dialogue. Highlighting the work of emerging scholars against the backdrop of traditional perspectives, this volume also forecasts trends in Johannine scholarship for the next several decades. The contributors are Armand Barus, Jaime Clark-Soles, Carsten Claussen, Mary L. Coloe, R. Alan Culpepper, Brian D. Johnson, Matthew Kraus, Francisco Lozada Jr., Beth M. Sheppard, Yak-hwee Tan, and Tom Thatcher.

Paperback edition is available from the Society of Biblical Literature (