A practical guide on how to work out your Chinese horoscope.

Though perhaps less well-known here than its Western counterpart, Chinese astrology is every bit as illuminating and provides an equally valuable shortcut to self-knowledge. Jonathan Dee, the well-respected author of several books on astrology, tarot, and fortune-telling, reveals all the mysteries of the art in this informative volume.

Filled with legends, charts, and history, it contains all of the essentials for working out your Chinese horoscope including the animal signs for each birthday year, month, and hour. Each sign receives a richly detailed and enlightening explanation.

Learn the personality traits associated with the 12 animals:

- The rat is considered to be the sign of charm and is noted for its shrewdness, enterprise, and wealth. Rats are also prosperous, entrepreneurial, obsessive, anxious, bossy, and mean.
- The ox is the sign of tenacity and prosperity and a symbol of fertility and muscular strength. People born under the ox are patient, contemplative, eloquent, chauvinistic, petty, and grumpy.
- The monkey is lively, complex, charming, diplomatic, and agile. Monkeys are also dishonest, sarcastic, lacking respect, and restless.

Chinese Astrology, Orion Plain and Simple is an accessible introduction that enlightens, entertains, and informs.

Chakras are spinning vortexes of energy throughout the body which can have a profound effect upon our emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.

Sasha Fenton introduces you to the problems that arise if chakras become blocked, misaligned or too open and to simple healing techniques which you can use to restore balance. Sasha also explains the history of the chakras and explores their vital connections to other spiritual arts, including aromatherapy, astrology and kundalini.

This simple guide provides all of the information that beginners will need to start channelling their body's natural energy and living happier, healthier lives.

A practical guide on how to read body features.

We all know that hands can reveal character and destiny, but what about other parts of the body? With this basic guide, learn how your body features can reveal health, relationship and behaviour attributes and how to spot these in others.

Divination expert, Sasha Fenton, covers the most important aspects of body reading in 15 short, accessible chapters. Topics covered include faces, heads, hands, eyes, teeth, nails, feet, colours, moles and itches. Generously illustrated with line drawings and graphs, this primer is a splendid introduction and guide to body secrets.

Fun facts found here:

* Hair reflects one's health and one's state of mind.
* Moles suggest stomach trouble, relationship problems or possibly an ill partner.
* A high bony nose suggests failure in business.
* Downwardly sloping eyebrows suggest a lack of energy and a tendency to whine.

Based on interviews, exhaustive research and years of close observation, this practical guide is filled with fascinating facts and insight that will be greeted eagerly by all who are interested in a variety of divination systems.

A practical guide to the ancient Chinese art of face reading.
The face is the first thing we focus on when meeting any new person--we automatically assess a person's mood, feelings, and intentions by what we "read" on that person's face. We consider some people to have "kind" eyes or a grumpy look.
This book will introduce you to the ancient Chinese art of face reading so that you can gain insight into the personalities of your loved ones and those you meet. Discover aspects of personality you never knew existed! Chinese face reading demonstrates that faces are open books, and their individual features provide the keys to interpreting their message.
The author explores the significance of:

Twenty-three basic eye shapesTwenty-three eyebrow conformationsThirteen ear typesThirteen basic nose profilesNine mouth typesAlong the way the author discusses the subtle distinctions within the cheekbones, the lips, the forehead, and facial creases.

Jonathan Dee and Sasha Fenton, two of the most dynamic and established writers on spiritual subjects, join forces to create the ultimate guide to sun signs. By using the decan system, which demonstrates variations between people born in different parts of each sign (i.e., early, middle, or late) - to assess your birth placement, you can get detailed answers to any question you want to ask.

This encyclopedic reference explains everything about your sign's characteristics, from your ideal home to your ruling planet, from your weaknesses to your best days. Handy charts for both your sun and decan sign show your compatibility with others for love, friendship, and work and list those signs with which you are unlikely to harmonize.
Other topics include:

* Good days/bad days
* Strengths/weaknesses
* Friends, relationships, and career
* Health and karma
* Correspondences for each sign, including herbs, flower remedies, best foods, best landscapes, colors, and gems

A practical guide on how to read hands.

This enjoyable and practical guide demonstrates how easy it is to read hands for fun and for insight.

Our hands provide a glimpse of our personalities, health, strengths and weaknesses - and even what may happen to us in the future. Each line, mound and finger is a clue that can easily be deciphered if you have the right information.

Fenton covers the basics of hand reading, including the lines, mounts, fingers and thumb. She shows readers how to judge someone's character, health, love and relationship interests, moneymaking ability and long-term destiny.

Chapters include:

* The Map of the Hand
* The Phalanges (bones between the fingers and joints)
* The Major Lines
* The Minor Lines
* Love and Relationships
* How to Make Handprints

This is a fun, chatty, accessible introductory text. Readers will want to immediately practise Fenton's techniques on friends and strangers.